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Writing YOUR poetry I hear America singing… Poets Study- Rudey.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing YOUR poetry I hear America singing… Poets Study- Rudey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing YOUR poetry I hear America singing… Poets Study- Rudey

2 EVENT POEM with Opposites  Event #1- Today  Event #2- Yesterday  Event #3- Last year  Hold onto those events- you’ll need them later.

3 Where to start (continued)  Now we will discuss opposites. Example: Opposite? I quickly called 119. Of course, no help came. Some paramedics raced by, tearing band-aids off the crowd. I couldn’t hear their siren because it blew so loud. The Boy Scouts never showed up. I guess they weren’t prepared. I’d hate to go back next year, and I hope to see you there.

4 Opposite Day  Fun/ _________________  Good/ _______________  Fast/________________  Agile/ _______________  Beautiful/ _____________  Calm/_________________  Deliberate/______________

5 Poem Format  (Opposite Word) Event #2  (Oposite Word) Event #1  (Opposite Word) Event #3  Add a line about how you feel  BAM! You have a poem.

6 LOST?- Songs and Poems Opposites (Continued)  "Row, row, row your boat."  _____, ______, _____ and stiff? Line #1- (opposite word, opposite word, opposite word, event #2) Line #2- (opposite word,opposite word, opposite word, event #1) CAN YOU MAKE YOUR POEM RHYME?

7 Titles  Don't WORRY! Many authors start with a title and it always changes.  Example: Yesterday  OOQrELg OOQrELg OOQrELg

8 Yesterday  The Beatles' "Yesterday" is the most covered song in history, appearing in the Guinness Book of Records with over three thousand recorded versions.  The working title was "Scrambled Eggs" until Paul could figure out lyrics.

9 Where to start  Most Poetry begins from an emotion or an event.  Poetry is personal. Poetry should mean something to you!  Create a list of 3 things that have happened to you that you remember. (Next slide please )

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