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A Pure, Clean, Spirit. Traditional Path to Isagiyoku Wabi--Rusticity Connect with nature Sabi--Simplicity Clean up ordinary reality (less is more) Less.

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Presentation on theme: "A Pure, Clean, Spirit. Traditional Path to Isagiyoku Wabi--Rusticity Connect with nature Sabi--Simplicity Clean up ordinary reality (less is more) Less."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Pure, Clean, Spirit

2 Traditional Path to Isagiyoku Wabi--Rusticity Connect with nature Sabi--Simplicity Clean up ordinary reality (less is more) Less Activities, Less Possessions, Less Roles Kan—Intuition Decision and Action based on intuitive feeling rather than on intellectual reasoning

3 Artist of Life -- 10 Classical Qualities Respect Courtesy Benevolence Loyalty Sincerity Integrity Honor Humility Courage Compassion

4 Narrowing the Road Directing Your Self Talk Imagine positive outcomes rather than worrying about what you don’t want to happen Correct Positioning (Preparation) Are you driving towards a bar or a gym? Are you stocking Tofu or Ice Cream in your fridge? Right Action Are you disciplining yourself to make the right choices? Are you flossing?

5 A New Paradigm (thought pattern) Nobody can learn information unless they can relate it to something in their current world view…You need the capacity to hold divergent views as equal. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with it, just simply allow it. Learn to just suspend your view in order to be able to listen to and understand other views. Rose von Thater-Braan

6 Ho’oponopono Hawaiian Kahuna Philosophy I operate my life through the following Insights: The physical universe is an actualization of my thoughts. If my thoughts are cancerous, they create a cancerous physical reality. If my thoughts are perfect, they create a physical reality brimming with Love. I am 100 percent responsible for creating my physical universe the way it is. I am 100 percent responsible for correcting the cancerous thoughts that create a diseased reality.

7 Ho’oponopono I operate my life through the following Insights: There is no such thing as out there. Everything exists as thoughts in my mind. My problems are memories replaying in my subconscious. My problems have nothing to do with anyone or anyplace or any situation

8 Ho’oponopono I operate my life through the following Insights: When I experience memories replaying problems, I have a choice. I can stay engaged to them or I can petition Divinity to free them up through transmutation, thus restoring my mind to its original state of zero, of void… of being memory free. When I am memory free, I am my Divine Self as Divinity created me in its exact likeness.

9 Ho’oponopono Cleaning Method I LOVE YOU. I’M SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. THANK YOU.

10 A New Paradigm (thought pattern) Nobody can learn information unless they can relate it to something in their current world view…You need the capacity to hold divergent views as equal. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with it, just simply allow it. Learn to just suspend your view in order to be able to listen to and understand other views. Rose von Thater-Braan

11 Giving Up the Past Only 2 laws dictate experiences: Inspiration from Divinity Memory stored in the Subconscious Mind. The former Brand-New and the latter Old. “Problems are just replayed memories of the past showing up to give us one more chance to see with the eyes of love and to act from inspiration”

12 Giving Up the Past In allowing memories to rule I give up clarity of mind, along with my alignment with Divinity. (I also give up the present) Without alignment I lose inspiration and purpose. If we are willing to clean up our “fore-bemoaned moans” (unpleasant fear based memories) we will be fine and everyone and everything else will be too. Peace and freedom begin with me. Isagiyoku begins with me

13 100 Percent Responsibility Complete responsibility means accepting it all—even the people who enter your life and THEIR problem, because their problems are your problems. They are IN YOUR LIFE, and if you take full responsibility for your life, then you have to take full responsibility for what THEY are experiencing too. Their problem is your problem so working on them won’t help you. They don’t need to heal, You do. You have to heal yourself. You are the source of all experiences.

14 100 Percent Responsibility You hold the errors of the world in your soul as I do in mine. You have to clean You. When you spot something in another that you don’t like. You have it in you. Your job is to clean it. As you do it will leave the other person, as well. Actually, it will eventually leave the world.

15 Ho’oponopono Cleaning Method I LOVE YOU. I’M SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. THANK YOU.

16 A Question to Ask Yourself What is going on inside of me that show up as this problem?

17 Action Steps Continuously Clean Take action on ideas and opportunities that come your way. Continuously Clean

18 Continuous Cleaning Continuous Cleaning brings you to the zero state Nothing Exists at Zero The zero state is timeless, boundless, infinite, deathless

19 Zero At zero you can: Divine your true purpose Access your creativity Deliver your finest contribution

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