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Paul wanted the Romans to live right  Righteous living, Rom. 12, 13  Tolerant of differences, Rom. 14 »Matters of indifference, 1 Tim. 4 »Not sin, Rom.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul wanted the Romans to live right  Righteous living, Rom. 12, 13  Tolerant of differences, Rom. 14 »Matters of indifference, 1 Tim. 4 »Not sin, Rom."— Presentation transcript:


2 Paul wanted the Romans to live right  Righteous living, Rom. 12, 13  Tolerant of differences, Rom. 14 »Matters of indifference, 1 Tim. 4 »Not sin, Rom. 16:17, 18

3 Chapter 15 has two parts  Unity: important  Labors: Trust God


5 Strong to bear with the weak, 1  Mature & immature, 1 Thes. 5:14  Strong responsible

6 Seek to edify one another, 2  Put others first, Phil. 2:1-4  No compromise of truth, Gal. 1:10  Not forced by others, Gal. 2:3-5

7 Christ is our example, 3  Did not please self, Jn. 8:29; 1:29  Bore brunt of rejection of God, Lk. 22:42

8 OT teaches & comforts us, 4  Compliments NT  Patience  Comfort  Hope

9 Unity needed to glorify God, 5-7  Mouth & mind, 1 Cor. 1:10  Receive like Christ, Eph. 4:32  Glory of God, not in-fighting

10 Christ confirmed OT promises, 8-12  Helped Jews  Helped Gentiles  Fulfilled promises »Law, Deut. 32:43 »Psalms, 18:49; 117:1 »Prophets, Isa. 11:10

11 Belief in promises: Gives joy, peace, hope, 13  By God  By Holy Spirit – OT  Only in unity!

12 Confidence in Roman saints, 14  Goodness – motives  Knowledge – understanding  Admonition – action

13 Purpose of his duties, 15, 16  Admonish, 2 Pet. 1:12-15  Ensure acceptance  Sanctify by H.S., Jn. 17:17

14 View of his duties, 17-21  Rightful satisfaction, 1 Cor. 1:31 »Word: preaching / revelation »Deed: miracles / confirmation »Goal: obedience / salvation

15 View of his duties, 17-21  Focus on new areas »Apollos in Achaia, Acts 18:27, 28 »Timothy in Ephesus, 1 Tim. 1:3 »Titus in Crete, Titus 1:5

16 Hindrances removed, 22-24  Good hindrance: work  Bad hindrance, 1 Thes. 2:18  Helped by saints

17 Trip to Jerusalem, 25-28  Benevolence to Jewish saints  From Gentiles, 1 Cor. 16:1, 2  Fruit

18 Help from Romans, 29-32  Visit with blessing of Christ  Begs for prayers »Based on Christ & Holy Spirit »Strive: agonize »Deliverance, Acts 21-26 »Acceptance by Jews »Visit Rome, Acts 28


20 Paul wanted the Romans to live right  Righteous living, Rom. 12, 13  Tolerant of differences, Rom. 14 »Matters of indifference, 1 Tim. 4 »Not sin, Rom. 16:17, 18

21 Chapter 15 has two parts  Unity: Important  Labors: Trust God

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