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Mr. Verlin Overbrook High School December 10, 2015.

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1 Mr. Verlin Overbrook High School December 10, 2015

2 Do Now: Website Logon  Using the Chromebooks, log on to and find a news article of interest.

3 Objectives:  The students will be able to determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact in order to be able to write a letter to the editor.  The students will be able to differentiate between fact and opinion.

4 Focus Lesson: Letters…  Direct Instruction: Opinions  Guided Practice: planning an opinion using the constructed response template  Independent Practice  Detail the central argument and supporting details on the constructed response template for your chosen article. Have the template completed by the end of the period.  Browse out to and analyze the length and structure of one of my published opinions.  Homework (due tomorrow): write a draft (100 words AT MOST)

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