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S 1 CT2 Meeting 5-6 March 2013 Hamburg NACLIM, ECOMS and Horizon2020 Detlef Quadfasel.

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Presentation on theme: "S 1 CT2 Meeting 5-6 March 2013 Hamburg NACLIM, ECOMS and Horizon2020 Detlef Quadfasel."— Presentation transcript:

1 S 1 CT2 Meeting 5-6 March 2013 Hamburg NACLIM, ECOMS and Horizon2020 Detlef Quadfasel


3 ECOMS ECOMS B OARD M EETING, 4-5 F EB 2013, M ET O FFICE, E XETER Climate Modelling initiatives: Coupled global climate model – decadal, ~20km, model evaluation, initialisation EUCP20 Improve estimates of climate sensitivity – uncertainty, near-scale informing long-term projections, paleoclimate, processes, aerosol, ocean heat uptake Laboratory to develop the next generation high resolution ESM, Convective permitting, eddy-resolving, computational efficiency EUCP30 Climate Services initiatives: Downscaling and impacts – sector specific consistency with socio- economics Translation Science & Users – multi-disciplinary, user engagement, impact inverse modelling Data – accessibility, datasets related to impacts, climatologies, synthetic observations and events datasets

4 Transatlantic activities Transatlantic Marine and Maritime Cooperation, Brussels, 20 March 2013 Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP): coherent European approach Sustainable Atlantic ecosystem approach Sustainable marine food production (fisheries and aquaculture) Innovative uses and conservation of the Atlantic/marine biodiversity (including seabed biological resources) Seabed Critical Raw Materials (CRM – seabed mining) Two horizontal areas, namely Ocean Observation Technologies, and Bridging to Society - Ocean Literacy seem suitable to complement the proposed four focal areas.

5 1 – sustainable ecosystem approach Area 1 : Sustainable Atlantic ecosystem approach e.g. data exchanges: - on Ocean Acidification - on Arctic Monitoring - other…. Objective: The implementation of the ecosystem based approach to marine activities, and Ocean/climate interactions with the particular role of the Atlantic Ocean circulation on marine living organisms and how they could be affected by climate Change. For this proposed area enhanced transatlantic cooperation could be proposed under existing frameworks involving US and Canada (e.g. GEO, Belmont Forum, G8 HORCS). Possible flagship initiatives: High Resolution Map & Transatlantic Ocean Observation System

6 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013), under grant agreement n.308299 NACLIM

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