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Presidential Issues: Where do the candidates stand on each issue? Queintesha M. Simmons.

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Presentation on theme: "Presidential Issues: Where do the candidates stand on each issue? Queintesha M. Simmons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presidential Issues: Where do the candidates stand on each issue? Queintesha M. Simmons

2 Economy Barack Obama: Trying to get new busesses so people can get new jobs. He signed a recovery that can help build millions of jobs. Mitt Romney: Retrain workers that are unemployed so they can get a new jobs in a new business.

3 Health care Barack Obama: The law gives millions of people affordable health care. Mitt Romney: He is going to replace Obama's care and he is going to replace medical care.

4 Taxs Barack Obama: He wants to raise taxs for the people who are rich.So he can give it to the poor people. Mitt Romney: He wants to elimenate the death tax.

5 Education Barack Obama: Get more teachers and more classrooms. Mitt Romney: Shift some power from the federal level so he can empower governors to reform education systems.

6 War and National Defense Barack Obama: End the war of Afghanistain or make peace with them. Mitt Romney: Find inefficiencies in the department of defense that can reinvested into force.

7 Immigration Barack Obama: He wants to increase the border control resources. Mitt Romney: He wants to build a fence around the U.S. So no immigrats won't come in.

8 Resources : presidency/elections/58186.html?detoured=1 tics/20120804-denver-presidential-debate-obama- romney.html Bottom of Form 1 help on how to format text Top of Form 2 Bottom of Form 2 Sub Plans for October 22 - 26, 2012 Welcome! Meet Mrs. Cleland! /file/view/2012-2013+School+Calendar.pdf/file/view/2012-2013+School+Calendar.pdf 2012-2013 School Calendar.pdf  ··Details ··Details  ··Download ··Download  158 KB Daily Schedule Engrade Online Test Weekly Newsletters Home Connect Alumni Math Resources Language Arts Resources Science Resources Social Studies Resources Math Activities Spelling Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 2012 Presidential Election Project edit navigation http://magazines.s ction-2012 http://pbskids.or g/democracy/be- president/ http://pbskids.or g/democracy/be- president/

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