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Image enhancement Last update 2015.03.22 Heejune Ahn, SeoulTech.

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Presentation on theme: "Image enhancement Last update 2015.03.22 Heejune Ahn, SeoulTech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image enhancement Last update 2015.03.22 Heejune Ahn, SeoulTech

2 Outline Purpose of image enhancment Target Pixel, neighbor hood, filter Linear Filtering Noise Reduction Filters Edge Detection Filters Edge Enhancement Filters

3 1. Image enhancement Purpose  clarify the information of image  depends upon what to extract Methods  (spatial-domain) filtering: linear or non linear  Freq-domain processing (in Ch5) Info 1 Info 2 Info 3.. Noise Info 1 Info 2 Info 3.. Noise Enha ncem ent original image enhanced image By Human Or Machine Info 1

4 2. Target, Neighborhood, Filter Target pixel  the pixel for process/interest Connectivity  4 connectivity: N, W, E, S  8 connectivity NB (Neighborhood)  region of (i +/-k, j+/-k), 0<= k <= floor(N/2) NB operation  function(NB of (x,y))  nfilter(Image, range, filterfunc) In MATLAB  Note: function handle: e.g. func = @(x) max(x[:])

5 3. Linear Filter and Filter Kernel Step  align center of mask and target pixel  Calculate the weighted sum  Assign it to target pixel mask (kernel) = matrix of weights center of mask target pixel

6 In convolution notation or Adaptive filtering  Kernel changes depending on the environments

7 Image boundary  No pixels in NB  Solutions Leave unchanged  Clip image or not Use only available pixels Fill in missing pixels (e.g. replicates) Nonlinear spatial filter  Can in convolution expr.  Cannot in convolution expr. E.g.) ordering, sorting, etc

8 4. Filter for Noise Reduction Noise type  Salt-pepper, Gaussian Noise simulation  For testing, since we cannot real noise easily.  imnoise(I, type, param) in MATLAB E.g. (‘salt & pepper’, %), (‘gaussian’, variance)

9 Mean-filter  Kernel:  Characteristics Smoothing (low pass), maintaining same mean value Kernel size : as large, blurring (loss of details) Noise removal perform  good for Gaussian noise, not good for S&P noise Median-Filter  Kernel = median (NB)  Characteristics Preserve sharp edge, remove isolated values

10  Noise removal: ok for Gaussian, good for S&P.  Heavy computation: ordering/sorting at every pixel Rank-filter  Generalized median filter  Kernel = rank_n(NB of pixel(x,y))  Special type: max, min filter  Conservative filter I(i) p(i) I(i) o.w.

11 Gaussian Filter  Kernel  STD: degree of smoothing  Similar to mean filter (LPF) Noise reduction before edge detection  Mathematical benefit Gaussian func. Gaussian func. F

12 5. Edge Detection Filter Derivate-filters for discontinuity detection  cf) mean/smoothing filters are integration filters   Types : 1 st order, 2 nd order different objects Discontinuity of pixel values in boundary edges

13  Complete smooth region: 0 Computational characteristics  Linear operators: kernel implementation  LoG filter Laplacian with Gaussian filter, very popular in feature extraction (e.g SIFT) Not ‘log’arithmic

14 First order Edgedetector

15 Computational properties  Separable Filters 2D Fillter O(N 2 ) 1D Fillter O(N) 1D Fillter O(N) O(2N)

16 2 nd order Edge Detector: Laplacian  detect of change of gradient Boundary at zero crossing Sharp edge than 1 st order detector

17 Comparisons of edge detectors

18 Kernel Reduction of Noise sensitivity  Integrated with Gaussian filter : LoG In MATLAB  edge(Img, ‘zerocross’, [], filer) Gaussian (STD) Laplacian LoG

19 6. Edge enhancement Visual enhancement of boundary  For human perception Methods  Laplacian edge sharpening  Unsharp mask

20 example

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