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Inventing the Entrepreneurial Faculty Jim Tracy Nancy Cushing Academy

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Presentation on theme: "Inventing the Entrepreneurial Faculty Jim Tracy Nancy Cushing Academy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventing the Entrepreneurial Faculty Jim Tracy Nancy Boyle @nancboyle Cushing Academy

2  New educational paradigms needed  New partnership between private and public schools  Institutional partnerships  Cushing Academy Institute for 21st Century Leadership  Athletic Leadership Program  Food for Thought  Faculty Book  Skunkworks

3 What is an entrepreneurial faculty?

4 Involve, support & coach the sparks

5 understand individuals’ values, experiences and concerns

6 Teacher = master learner Teacher = public learner

7 Model PD after classroom innovations learning is learning

8 What does an entrepreneurial faculty look like?

9 innovation independence passionate exploration communication

10 authenticity

11 Dwellings: Green Building and Design in the 21st Century

12 The Book Project 15 1 50

13 passion, challenge &project based learning inquiry-research communication, collaboration real world application willingness to engage in/practice content, skills, assessment The Book Project: Supporting Faculty Entrepreneurs

14 "Self-awareness and communication are the traditional goals of the English curriculum, and they ought to be the future goals of the English curriculum. We are not outdated in our mission; rather, we are, at times, outdated in our attempts to achieve these two goals. We need to evaluate whether or not students are currently achieving real world experience, understand why they are or are not achieving the objectives, and understand what about a curriculum can ensure that they are achieving.“ (Moira Cahill, Cushing English faculty)

15 What’s going on in America’s innovative schools? Unified Message Commitment from school community & faculty

16 What’s going on in America’s innovative schools? Why are you doing what you are doing in the classroom? How do you know it works?

17 What’s going on in America’s innovative schools? PBL, CBL, DI, UDLUDL Work-based learning experiences & LTI Creatively planned learning spaces Humanities & STEM: blended classrooms Less delineation of departments

18 What’s going on in America’s innovative schools? Teacher Plan Time: co-teaching & content teachers common period & summer Teacher interaction, cooperation, and collaboration Ongoing Professional Development

19 What’s going on in America’s innovative schools? Ongoing formative assessment & evaluation with student involvement Data focused around student rather than event Longitudinal Portfolios

20 What’s going on in America’s innovative schools? BYOD E-texts digital media & readingdigital media & reading

21 “I’m all for fresh ideas, but just because a notion is novel or different doesn’t mean it’s good for teachers and students. Then again, doesn’t mean it isn’t.”

22 Tips and considerations Pace and rationale for change

23 Tips and considerations Know your community natives or immigrants teaching philosophy, experience

24 Tips and considerations Be mindful of what you are asking of others

25 Tips and considerations Educational Reform and innovation is not a new concept. Our new world is.

26 Tracking student data – LD and otherwise – How is this done? Event or student centered? Assessment – formative v summative-- purpose of each

27 Offer voluntary PD — workshops, conferences, lunches, coffee Whenever possible, ask for input survey, make it anonymous at times Mandate in- house PD Make PD project based with classroom application (tech PD must model pedagogical innovations) Grassroots along with whole community




31 Inventing the Entrepreneurial Faculty Jim Tracy Nancy Boyle @nancboyle Cushing Academy

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