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Momentum the quantity of motion § 8.1–8.2. What’s the point? Nature keeps careful account of momentum.

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Presentation on theme: "Momentum the quantity of motion § 8.1–8.2. What’s the point? Nature keeps careful account of momentum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Momentum the quantity of motion § 8.1–8.2

2 What’s the point? Nature keeps careful account of momentum.

3 Think Question Which process will require more time? A.Pulling as hard as you can to accelerate a little red wagon from rest to a speed of 1 m/s. B.Pulling as hard as you can to accelerate a horse trailer from rest to a speed of 1 m/s. C.The two take the same amount of time.

4 Think Question Which process will require more force? A.Accelerating a little red wagon from rest to a speed of 1 m/s in ten seconds B.Accelerating a horse trailer from rest to a speed of 1 m/s in ten seconds. C.The two take the same force.

5 Impulse where  t is duration F Is net force Impulse is a vector. Impulse = F  t Effect of a force over time

6 Think Question Two objects of different masses move at the same velocity. Which one is harder to stop? A.The light object. B.The massive object.

7 Think Question Two objects with the same mass move different speeds. Which one is harder to stop? A.The fast object. B.The slow object.

8 Momentum Formula momentum is a vector. p = mv

9 Whiteboard Work Prove that when a net force F is applied to an object of mass m for a time  t, its change in momentum is  p = F  t

10 Impulse–Momentum Theorem Impulse = F  t. F  t= m  v= ma  t So F  t =  (mv) = change in momentum

11 Newton’s second law As Newton had it: dt dp F =

12 Poll Question Which changes its momentum the most? A.A moving object that stops when it hits a barrier. B.A moving object that bounces back from a barrier. Momentum is a vector. Which receives the greater impulse? Hints:

13 Rebound and Momentum initial pfinal p final p – initial p initial p final p = 0 final p – initial p pp pp

14 Poll Question Which changes its kinetic energy the most? A.A moving object that stops when it hits a barrier. B.A moving object that bounces back from a barrier. Hints:Kinetic energy is a scalar. Which has the greater net work done?

15 Conservation of Momentum Here today, somewhere tomorrow § 8.2

16 Poll Question If a 0.25-g insect collides with a 1250-kg compact car, which experiences the greatest impulse in the collision? A.The insect. B.The car. C.It’s a tie. D.Insufficient information to answer. Hint: Remember Newton’s third law.

17 Poll Question If a 0.25-g insect collides with a 1250-kg compact car, which experiences the greatest momentum change in the collision? A.The insect. B.The car. C.It’s a tie. D.Insufficient information to answer. Hint: Remember the impulse-momentum theorem.

18 Conservation of Momentum Newton’s first law: –no outside force –no change in v –thus no change in p So an isolated object’s momentum never changes.

19 Conservation of Momentum Newton’s third law: –interacting objects apply equal and opposite impulses to each other –they experience equal and opposite momentum changes So the sum of their momenta remains the same. ∑p i = ∑p f

20 Conservation of Momentum The total momentum of an isolated system never changes.

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