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Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Procainamide Dr. Muslim Suardi Faculty of Pharmacy University of Andalas 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Procainamide Dr. Muslim Suardi Faculty of Pharmacy University of Andalas 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Procainamide Dr. Muslim Suardi Faculty of Pharmacy University of Andalas 2013

2 INITIAL DOSAGE DETERMINATION METHODS The pharmacokinetic dosing method Literature based recommended dosing

3 The Pharmacokinetic Dosing Method t 1/2 & ke estimate Vd estimate Selection of appropriate Pk model & equations Css selection

4 Problem LK is a 50yo, 75-kg (5 ft 10 in) male with ventricular tachycardia who requires therapy with oral PROC SR-tab. He has normal liver & cardiac function. Suggest an initial oral PROC dosage regimen designed to achieve a PROC Css equal to 4 µg/mL.

5 1. Estimate t1/2 & ke according to disease states & conditions present in the patient The expected PROC t1/2 for an individual with normal hepatic & renal function is 3.3h. The ke is computed using the following formula: k = 0.693/t1/2 = 0.693/3.3 h = 0.210 h −1.

6 2. Estimate Vd & Cl The patient is not obese, so the estimated PROC Vd will be based on ABW: V = 2.7 L/kg*75 kg = 203 L. Estimated PROC Cl is computed by taking the product of the Vd & ke: Cl=kV = 0.210 h −1 * 203L = 42.6 L/h

7 3. Compute Dosage Regimen Oral SR PROC tab will be prescribed to this patient (F=0.83). Because the patient has a rapid PROC Cl & short t 1/2, initial τ will be set to 6h. The dosage equation for oral PROC is D = (Css*Cl*τ) / F = (4 mg/L*42.6L/h*6h) / 0.83 =1231mg, rounded to 1250 mg every 6h.

8 3. Continued SS PROC & NAPA Csr could be measured after SS is attained in 3–5t 1/2. Since the patient is expected to have a t 1/2 equal to 3.3h for PROC & 6h for NAPA, the Css could be obtained any time after the first day of dosing (5 t 1/2 = 5*3.3 h = 16.5 h for PROC, 5 t 1/2 = 5*6h = 30 h for NAPA).

9 3. Continued PROC & NAPA Csr should also be measured if the patient experiences a return of their arrhythmia, or if the patient develops potential signs or symptoms of PROC toxicity.

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