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2009 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) – emerging data Presentation to Carers NSW Biennial Conference 17 March 2011 Steve Gelsi Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) – emerging data Presentation to Carers NSW Biennial Conference 17 March 2011 Steve Gelsi Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) – emerging data Presentation to Carers NSW Biennial Conference 17 March 2011 Steve Gelsi Assistant Director, Family and Community Australian Bureau of Statistics

2 This presentation… Overview of 2009 SDAC Definition and identification  carer  primary carer Some survey results Upcoming releases

3 2009 SDAC overview Conducted April – December 2009  doubling of sample size compared with 2003 Three population groups targetted  people with a disability  older people (aged 60+)  carers Two survey components  28,000 households (64,000 people)  1,100 cared-accommodation establishments (9,500 people)

4 Household component Any responsible adult (ARA) interview  screening questions  basic demographic information Personal interview  people with a disability  people aged 60 and over  possible primary carers improved method of identification

5 Definition of a carer A carer:  can be of any age  provides informal assistance Assistance is:  unpaid help or supervision  provided to a person with a long-term health condition or disability, or is elderly  ongoing for at least six months (even if only provided when needed)  provided for core and non-core activities to members of the same household  provided for ‘everyday types of activities’ to people living elsewhere

6 Identification of a carer Any responsible adult (ARA) identifies any household members who help or supervise:  another household member with one or more of nine particular core activity tasks  someone living elsewhere with ‘everyday types of activities’ Person with a need for assistance identifies providers of assistance for each core and non- core activity where assistance is needed  family, friends and neighbours who provide (informal) assistance  including members of the same household

7 Definition of a primary carer A primary carer:  is aged 15 and over  provides the most informal assistance to an individual person Assistance is:  unpaid help or supervision with core activities  provided to a person with a disability  ongoing for at least six months (even if only provided when needed)

8 Identification of a possible primary carer Any responsible adult (ARA)  identifies care provider – recipient pairs  care provider = a household member  recipient = another household member or someone living elsewhere  possible primary carer: the care provider who provides the most assistance to a particular recipient  a care provider can provide the most assistance to more than one recipient

9 Identification of a possible primary carer Person with a need for assistance with core activities identifies:  for each core activity:  organised services which provide (formal) assistance  family, friends and neighbours who provide (informal assistance)  the person or organisation providing the main help  for core activities overall:  the informal provider who helps the most (principal carer)  a principal carer who is a member of the same household is a possible primary carer

10 Identification of a primary carer Two stage process  identification of possible primary carers  2003: any responsible adult (ARA) only  2009: ARA and persons with a need for assistance with core activities  personal interview with possible primary carer  those aged less than 15 not interviewed  those aged 15-17 only interviewed with parental permission  questions in relation to the (main) recipient of care

11 Primary carer question module Help received and needed Eligibility for Carer Payment Respite care services Need for time off work Work arrangements Social and community participation (new) Health and wellbeing Effect of caring role (self completion)

12 Some data available for non- primary carers Demographics Disability Assistance provided Education Employment Income

13 Carers – an overview in 2009 2.6 million carers in Australia  no change in overall number from 2003  as a proportion of population, declined from 13% to 12% 55% are female  13% of female population; 11% of male population  gender difference greatest among 45-54 year-olds (23% of women; 16% of men)  but a higher proportion of men in 75+ age group Carer population is ageing

14 Carers by age (‘000)

15 Carers by age (in 2009) (‘000)

16 Carers by age (%)

17 Carers by age & sex – 2009 (%)

18 Female carers – % of total carers by age – 2009

19 Primary carers – an overview in 2009 771,400 primary carers in Australia  474,600 in 2003 29% of carers were primary carers  19% in 2003 68% of primary carers were women Improvement in identification

20 Probable break in the time series of primary carer numbers, but…  derivation possible on 2003 rules  more information available for a larger group of carers Higher proportion of carers identified as primary carers in 2009 across:  age groups; males & females  states & territories; remoteness areas

21 Primary carers by age (% of all carers)

22 Improvement in identification? Primary carers living with the (main) recipient of care  82% of all primary carers in 2009, up from 78%  but also 33,400 increase (32%) in primary carers whose main recipient lives elsewhere  higher proportion caring for less than 20 hours a week  higher proportion caring for someone with a severe core-activity limitation  estimated number of primary carers in these categories has more than doubled

23 Primary carers – relationship & location – 2009 (‘000)

24 Primary carers – weekly hours caring & location – 2009 (‘000)

25 Primary carers – reasons for taking on caring role – 2009 (%)

26 Recent and upcoming releases Summary publication (cat. no. 4430.0)  first release of summary publication – 16 December 2010  staggered releases of further summary tables  two releases – 31 January & 1 March 2011  two more releases planned  consolidated publication on 28 April Confidentialised Unit Record File (CURF) User Guide State tables

27 ABS data, tools and help ABS website (  all data contained on the ABS website are available online free of charge  including small area data from the Census of Population and Housing  Understanding Statistics  tools and resources to assist in understanding statistical information National Information & Referral Service  1300 135 070 

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