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LESSON 3 INTERNATIONAL TRAVELS 国际旅行. AIMS AND REQUIREMENTS To grasp how to make a ticket booking; To master how to use passport and apply for a visa;

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2 AIMS AND REQUIREMENTS To grasp how to make a ticket booking; To master how to use passport and apply for a visa; To know how to enter a country and deal with customs formalities.

3 Ⅰ. Useful expressions A. making reservations 1. Excuse me, could you tell me where the ticket office is ? 2. United Air Lines, good morning, what can I do for you? 3. I would like to book two seats to Guangzhou on a flight leaving on May 5, please. 4. Sorry, sir, there isn’t a direct flight to Shanghai on June 9. You will have to change in Beijing. 5. Sorry, sir, I have to cancel my reservation for the direct flight leaving at 8:20 to Beijing for July 6. I’ll need an economy ticket with an open return. 7. Do you prefer smoking or NON-smoking?

4 B. Passport and visa 1. Here is my passport. I’m going by Air China to Frankfurt, Germany to attend the Trade Fair. 2. What kind of visa do you have? Student visa, work visa or tourist visa? 3. Would you like to sit by the window or aisle? 4. Please put your luggage on. These are over- weight. 5. Here are tags for your hand luggage, your ticket and your boarding pass. 6. It’s nearly time for you to board the plane. 7. There’s the signal for getting aboard, I’m afraid I must be off now. 8. This is a small gift, please accept it.

5 C. entering a country and through customs formalities 1. Please show us your boarding card. What’s your flight number? 2. The flight information board lists outgoing and incoming flights with times and gates. 3. The plane bound for Shanghai is about to depart at 7:25. 4. Please fill in this form and hand it to the Customs officer together with your passport. 5. Where can I claim or pick up my luggage? 6. Welcome to China. Is it your first trip to China? 7. How was your journey?

6 Ⅱ. Dialogue Han Fang goes to travel agency to make a reservation for a flight to Beijing. The assistant is able to get her on the flight she wants and accept payment by cheque. (At a travel agent’s ) A: Good morning, madam. Can I help you? H: Yes please. I’d like to fly to Beijing on the 19th. A: Any preference about the airline? H: Air China, if possible. A: If you’ll just take a seat for a moment, madam, I’ll check the reservations. H: O.K. Thank you. A: (Presses the keyboard of the computer.) Yes. There are seats available on Flight CA938 departing Heathrow at 19:30 on the 19th.

7 H: Is it a non –stop flight? A: Yes. H: What time does it arrive in Beijing? A: It arrives at Capital Airport at 13:25 Beijing time. H: What exactly is the air fare for economy class? A: One way or return? H: One way. A: Let me see. A one way economy ticket to Beijing is $682. H: O.K. Book me on that flight, please. (Write out a check) Here you are. A: Thank you, madam. How do you spell your name? H: Han Fang, H-A –N-F-A-N-G A: May I see your passport, please? H: Of course. Here you are. (Hands her passport.) A: Thank you.(Hands back the passport.) Here’s your ticket. Please check in at the airport no later than 6:00 p.m. H: Thank you. I will.

8 All diplomats enjoy diplomatic privileges. Their luggage is exempt from customs inspection, but they have to show their diplomatic passports at the customs post. Now coming to the customs area is a diplomat of a foreign embassy--- Mr. Marwin. C: Good morning, sir. M: Good morning. C: Will you show me your passport, please? M: Oh, certainly. Here you are. C: Are you family traveling with you, Mr. Marvin? M: No. C: How many pieces of luggage have you brought with you? M: Two. One suitcase and one briefcase. C: Are they both here? M: Yes, they are. C: Have you any unaccompanied luggage? M: No. C: Thank you, sir. That will be all. M: Thank you.

9 Ⅲ. Topics for classroom discussion (1) Do you like traveling? Imagine you have adequate financial means and describe places of priority in your traveling plan. What kind of expressions do you often use when you want to travel abroad? (2) How to make reservations or inquiries at an airport as a businessman or a traveler in order that you will have a comfortable and effective trip?

10 Ⅳ. Communicative tasks Work with your partners to create your own dialogue with the situation and tips given below. Task 1 Situation: You want to go abroad, please inquire with the clerk at an international travel agency if there is a plane to your destination and book a seat on one. Please find out what the fare is, the exact time the plane takes off, what arrangements there are for going to the airport, how much hand luggage you are allowed and anything else you need to know about in connection with the flight. The following tips may be helpful: Do you have a plane to Beijing on Saturday May 2?/ I’d like to make a reservation for flight … to … on Sunday./ What is the exact fare?/ When are the checking in, arrival and departure times of the plane?/ How much luggage can I take with me?/ I’d like to have a round trip ticket under the name of Peter Brown./ Will you tell me something about the flight? Is this a nonstop flight?/ Do I have to change plane?/ Did you miss your connection?

11 Task 2 Situation You are Mr. Li, a clerk in the international Airline, Mr. Ma a businessman from China trading company is asking for some information from you on international traveling. Mr. Ma also wants to know what kind of procedures he will have to go through at customs. You explain them to him. The following tips may be helpful: What flights have you got to Paris on Sunday July 18?/ When does the next plane leave for Hamburg?/ What’s the fare for a first-class ticket?/ Is your travel agency responsible for our visas and passports?/ Please fill in this information form in order to get your passport./ Here is my ID card and my two photos. Anything else you need?/ You need some time to go through Customs and all the necessary formalities.

12 国际旅行中常用的词汇 Taxi stand/ rank 出租车候租处 information desk/ inquiry desk 问讯处 route 航线 flight 航班 airline 航空公司 waiting hall 候机大厅 terminal building 机场大楼 the check-in counter 机场登记处 checked luggage 托运行李 luggage office 行李房 baggage claim 行李提取处 personal belongings 个人物品 ahead of time/schedule 提前 behind schedule 晚点 free shuttle service 免费机场接送 booking office 售票处 escalator 自动扶梯 to see off 送别 departure time 起飞时间 incoming passenger 入境旅客 outgoing passenger 出境旅客 green channel 绿色通道 red channel 红色通道 anti-quarantine station 卫生防疫站 health certificate 健康证书 resident permit 居留许可证

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