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Contents 1 Systematic Search Guided by Local Search with Conflict-based Heuristic in N-queen problem Hyoung rae Kim Debasis Mitra Ph.D Florida Institute.

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2 Contents 1 Systematic Search Guided by Local Search with Conflict-based Heuristic in N-queen problem Hyoung rae Kim Debasis Mitra Ph.D Florida Institute of Technology Department of Computer Science

3 Contents 2 1.Introduction 2.Proposed method 3.Implementation design 4.Experiments and analysis 5.Related work 6.Conclusion 7.Future works 8.References > > > > > 1

4 Contents 3 1. Introduction Constraint Satisfaction Problem(CSP) does very important role in Artificial Intelligence (AI). CSP appears in many areas, for instance vision, resource allocation in scheduling and temporal reasoning [2]. What is a constraint satisfaction problem –A CSP is a problem composed of a finite set of variables, each of which is associated with a finite domain, and a set of constraints. –The task is to assign a value to each variable satisfying all the constraints. 1

5 Contents 4 Resource allocation in scheduling [2] 1

6 Contents 5 N-queens problem Place eight queens on an 8 × 8 chessboard satisfying the constraint that no two queens should be on the same row, column or diagonal. [4 × 4 queens problem] 1

7 Contents 6 N-queens problem Problem formalization The set of variables: Z = {Q1, Q2, …, Q8} Domain: DQ1 = DQ2 = … = DQ8 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} Constraint (1):  i,j: Qi  Qj Constraint (2):  i,j, if Qi=a and Qj=b, then i-j  a-b, and i-j  b-a. The variable is considered row number. The domain of each variable is set of column numbers. 1

8 Contents 7 Problem reduction and search There are two approaches to solve CSP Problem reduction Pruning off search spaces that contain no solution Reducing the size of domains of the variables * Tightening constraints potentially reduce the search space at a later stage of the search Pruning off branches in the search space It can be performed at any stage of the search Search Find solution in the search space, all or one of the solutions. One often has to find a balance between the efforts made and the potential gains in problem reduction. 1

9 Contents 8 An example of a search space 1

10 Contents 9 Search strategies Systematic algorithm Starts from an empty variable assignment that is extended until obtaining a complete assignment that satisfies all the constraints in the problem. Look-back enhancements (backward checking, back jumping, etc.) Look-ahead enhancements (forward checking, etc.) Local search algorithm Perform an incomplete exploration of the search space by repairing infeasible complete assignments (min-conflict, GSAT, tabu search). Hybrid approach Performing a local search before or after a systematic search. Performing a systematic search improved with a local search at some point of the search. Performing an overall local search, and using systematic search either to select a candidate neighbor or to prune the search space [1]. 1

11 Contents 10 The contributions of this work Explain the relationship between Local search algorithm (MC) and Systematic algorithm (FC). Trying to find faster searching algorithm by combining them. 1

12 Contents 11 2. Proposed method We improve the speed by hybrid of Forward Checking and Min-Conflict: Forward checking after Min-conflict. We examine the complexity and accuracy as gradually varying the coverage of Min-conflict. 1

13 Contents 12 Forward checking algorithm (12) (4) (1) (12) (5) (2) (0) Total comparison: 40 1

14 Contents 13 Forward checking algorithm FC1 (UNLABELLED, COMPOUND_LABEL, D,C){ if (UNLABELLED={}) {return UNLABELLED;}; Pick one variable x from UNLABELLED; { pick one value v from Dx; Delete v from Dx; D’=Update1(UNLABELLED-{X}, D, C, ); Result = FC1 (UNLABELLED-{X}, COMPOUND_LABEL+{ }, D’, C); if (Result != Nil) {return Result;}; } until (Dx={}); return (NIL); } S

15 Contents 14 Update1(W,D,C,Lable) { D’=D; for each variable y in W { for each value v in D’ y { if ( is incompatible with Label with respect to the constraints in C) D’ y =D’ y -{v}; } return D’; } S

16 Contents 15 Min-conflict algorithm Checking (1) Checking (3)C(3) Checking (2) Checking (1) Checking (5) Total comparison: 71 Checking (1) Ordering (16) Ordering (10) Ordering (8) Ordering (7) Initial status 3123 2

17 Contents 16 Min-conflict algorithm Informed_Backtrack(Z,D,C) { LEFT = {}; for each variable x in Z { pick a random value from Dx; add to LEFT; } InfBack(LEFT, {}, D, C); } S

18 Contents 17 InfBack(LEFT, DONE, D,C) { if (LEFT+DONE is compatible with constraints) {return LEFT+DONE;}; x = any variable such that label is in LEFT; Queue = Order_values(x, Dx, Labels_left, Labels_done, C); while (Queue != {}){ w = first element in Queue; Delete w from Queue; DONE = DONE + { }; Result = InfBack(LEFT-{ }, DONE, D, C): if (Result != Nil) {return Result;}; } return Nil; } S

19 Contents 18 Order_values(x, Dx, LEFT, DONE, C) { List = {}; for each v in Dx { if ( is compatible with all the labels in DONE) { Count [v] = 0; for each in LEFT { if NOT satisfies (( ), Cx,y) Count[v]=count[v]+1; } List = List + {v}; } Queue = the values in List ordered in ascending order of Count[v]; return Queue; } S

20 Contents 19 Comparison between MC and FC Forward checking (FC) Advantage: Completeness – it always find a solution if one exists. One of the best Systematic algorithm. Disadvantage: FC is typically cursed with early mistakes in the search, a wrong variable value can cause a whole sub-tree to be explored with no success. Min-conflict (MC) Advantage: Do not suffer from the early-mistake problem. It may be far more efficient than systematic ones to find a first solution. Disadvantage: Not complete. It can be undone, without having anything to prove. 1

21 Contents 20 Explanation of hybrid method Forward checking after Min-conflict. K=0 means pure FC, K=n means pure MC. [8-queens problem] Solve this portion by MC Solve this portion by FC K * Vary this K value 1

22 Contents 21 3. Implementation design Input variable: N-queens problem Output variable: Counted number of visited label. Counted number of executed constraints. MC-FC algorithm runs MC and then FC with the results from MC. We use standard MC algorithm [2]. We use standard FC algorithm [2]. 1

23 Contents 22 Hybrid algorithm K=2 MC FC 2

24 Contents 23 Hybrid algorithm SEARCH (n) { for each k=0 to n 1. MC_FC (k, Success, Count_Label, Count_Constraint); 2. print (k, Success, Count_Label, Count_Constraint); } MC_FC (k, Success, Count_Label, Count_Constraint) { Repeat until it gets a result or reach to the max iteration 1. Initialize cZ, cD, CC 2. COMPOUND_LABEL = MC(k, cZ, cD, cC, Count_Label, Count_Constraint); 3. If COMPOUND_LABEL is valid Result=FC(k,COMPOUND_LABEL, cZ,cD,cC,Count_Label,Count_Constraint) 4. If Result is valid Success = True return; } S

25 Contents 24 4. Experiment and analysis We use 24-queens problem. We ran the algorithm 300 times on a Sun Ultra 60. The max iteration number was 1000 (if FC part does not have solutions, it randomly re-execute MC part). We recorded every k value from 0 through n with an interval of 2. An output parameter ‘Label count’ is the number of label that the algorithm visited. The other parameter ‘Total count’ is the number of how many times the constraint is checked. ‘Total count’ subsumes the ‘Label count’. We analyze the ‘Label count’ and ‘Total count’. We use this formula to compare the quality of data points, which is often referred to as standard error of the mean: S.D. of Total count / Sqrt(n) [3]. 1

26 Contents 25 Compare the label count 1

27 Plot label count in a graph Pure Forward checking Pure Min Conflict k Complexity k 1

28 Contents 27 Compare the total count 1

29 Plot total count in a graph Complexity k Pure Forward checking Pure Min Conflict 1

30 Contents 29 Explanation of the results The reason of gradual shrinking of the width. –4-queens problem has two solutions with following conditions. –When K=1, There are two solution marks (called A), it takes 4 steps to know the results. There are two un-solution marks (called B), it takes 6 steps to know the results. Starts with solution mark A (50%): 4 Starts with un-solution mark B (50%): 10 –When K=2, There are two solution marks (called A), it takes 2 steps to know the results. There are four un-solution marks, 2 has 1step (called B), 2 has 2 steps (called C). Starts with solution mark (34%): 2 Starts with un-solution mark, B -> A (16.5%) : 3 Starts with un-solution mark, B -> C -> A (16.5%): 5 Starts with un-solution mark, C -> A (16.5%): 4 Starts with un-solution makr, C-> B -> A (16.5%): 5 –This tells when K=2 the S.D is much smaller. Case 1=12={4,10,4,10,…}, S.D. = 3.1; Case 2=12={2,2,3,5,4,5,…}, S.D. = 1.3 2

31 Contents 30 As for the reduction of the complexity We are trying to find the explanation. 1

32 Contents 31 5. Related work A research tried to show that the look-back and look-ahead enhancements of backtracking-based algorithms can be exploited for local search algorithms, and can greatly improve their behavior too. They propose a generic search technique over CSP which is called decision-repair, which show great performance [1]. S

33 Contents 32 6. Conclusion We performed a hybrid search: Performing a local search (MC) before a systematic search (FC). The purpose of our research is to understand the relationship between MC and FC and to improve the speed of searching algorithm. The algorithm shows the best performance when K value is in the middle. We need theoretical explanation for this results. Even without the theoretical explanation, the Hybrid algorithm is better than pure MC and FC. 1

34 Contents 33 7. Future works Vary N to bigger number. For other problems other than N-queens. Theoretical studies for the result. 1

35 Contents 34 8. References [1] N. Jussien, O. Lhomme, Local Search with Constraint Propagation and Conflict-absed Heuristics, Artificial Intelligence 139 (2002) 21-45. [2] E. Tsang, “Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction”, University of Essex Colchester Essex, UK., (1995). [3] John Mandel, The statistical analysis of experimental data, Dover, (1964) 63. 1

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