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E-Science Process. Thoughts on the e-Science Mediator in myGrid M.Nedim Alpdemir.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Science Process. Thoughts on the e-Science Mediator in myGrid M.Nedim Alpdemir."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Science Process

2 Thoughts on the e-Science Mediator in myGrid M.Nedim Alpdemir

3 Operations

4 Provenance

5 Deployment of IM Aim Aim: Providing more direct Support for the implementation of e-Science processes by: – Increasing the synergy between components – facilitating data model-driven contracts between myGrid components – Defining a coherent myGrid architecture

6 Contextualized WF Execution in myGrid

7 MIR – Taverna intergation Experiment is linked to person Results of the experiment to be added here when WF executed



10 e-Science Mediator: Motivation Many e-Science processes requires the composition of more than one myGrid component To Deliver myGrid as a service we need a gateway (Façade) to all myGrid components Simplify interdependency, increase de- coupling between myGrid components

11 e-Science Mediator: aims 1. Application-oriented: directly supports the e- Scientist by: providing pre-configured e-Science processes templates (i.e. system-level workflows) helping in capturing and maintaining context information (via the information model) that is relevant to the interpretation and sharing of the results of the e-science experiments. Facilitating personalisation and collaboration 2. Middleware-oriented: contributes to the synergy between my Grid services by: Acting as a sink for e-Science events initiated by my Grid components Interpreting the intercepted events and triggering interactions with other related components entailed by the semantics of those events Compensating for possible impedance mismatches with other services both in terms of data types and interaction protocols

12 Supporting the e-scientist Recurring use-cases can be captured Then corresponding process templates can be authored e-science mediator makes processes available to the user launch semantic Search facility Find Workflow Use-case Launch workflow Editor for selected WF Enable MIR browser For storage with context Find an interesting workflow for experiment Create exp. Context for this user Find Workflow Process Examine and modify if necessary Store to personal repository For later re-use

13 Mediator Roles - 1 Whenever a workflow is run using some data, the owner of the data being used can be informed (notified) about it

14 Mediator Roles - 2 Whenever data is removed that was previously used, a notification message may be sent to the person who used that data, informing him/her of impending deletion.

15 Mediator Roles - 3 If a workflow is deleted that was used by a particular person, the person may want to be notified of the deletion.

16 Fully Service-based approach

17 Portal approach: mixed mode

18 Mediator: thoughts on the internals

19 Active myGrid Components

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