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©2008 Sponge-Jet Inc. All rights reserved. 1 “Whitewater” Tank Preparation in Paper Mill Corrosion in whitewater tank of slushing area.

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1 ©2008 Sponge-Jet Inc. All rights reserved. 1 “Whitewater” Tank Preparation in Paper Mill Corrosion in whitewater tank of slushing area

2 ©2008 Sponge-Jet Inc. All rights reserved. 2 “Whitewater” Tank Preparation in Paper Mill Corrosion on walls; coal tar epoxy coating thickness had reduced to 3mm in some areas Failed coal tar epoxy coating on floor: thickness reduced to 5mm in some areas

3 ©2008 Sponge-Jet Inc. All rights reserved. 3 “Whitewater” Tank Preparation in Paper Mill Sponge-Jet Feed Unit closely monitoring and regulating service conditions Recycler drastically reducing the abrasive requirements; separate blasted Sponge Media ™ from removed coating and contaminants

4 ©2008 Sponge-Jet Inc. All rights reserved. 4 “Whitewater” Tank Preparation in Paper Mill Initial blasting to remove coatings; follow- up brush blast prior to coating Two coats of ARC-S1 coating applied with an average dry film thickness of 600 microns

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