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 Ares Roman name was Mars  Ares Greek name was Αρης.

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1  Ares Roman name was Mars  Ares Greek name was Αρης

2 Spear and helmets are closely associated with Ares the god of war

3  God of chaos, destruction, glory, madness, pride, wrath, and cowardness

4  Penthesilea - Penthesilea (Penthesileia) was an Amazon queen and a daughter of Ares. She went to Troy as an ally of the Trojans and was killed by Achilles. An Achaean soldier named Thersites reviled Achilles saying that, although he killed Penthesilea, he was actually in love with her. In his rage, Achilles killed Thersites. The other Achaeans were outraged and there was turmoil in the Achaean encampment. To seek forgiveness, Achilles sailed to the island of Lesbos and made sacrifices to Apollon, Artemis and Leto. After the sacrifices were completed, Achilles was purified of his blood guilt by Odysseus.  Askalaphos and Ialmenos - The two sons of and Astyoche, Askalaphos (Ascalaphus) and Ialmenos commanded the soldiers from Aspledon and Orchomenos with thirty ships for the siege of the city of Troy  Melanippe - Melanippe was the daughter of Ares who was taken hostage by Herakles (Heracles) when he was trying to complete his Ninth Labor (Retrieve the Belt of the Amazon, Hippolyte). Herakles held Melanippe captive until Hippolyte gave him the Belt (or Girdle) as ransom.  Alkippe - Alkippe (Alcippe) was the daughter of Ares who was ravaged by Poseidon's son Halirrhothius. Ares was enraged and killed Halirrhothius. This must have happened at the dawn of mortal-time because Ares was put on trial as the first to shed blood.

5  Spear  Helmet  Dog  Chariot

6  Ares has the power of warfare and murder.

7  Ares was not very respected for his attitude and his actions. He was a bloodthirsty fighter and had a quick temper. This was one of his bad habits, he did not think before he did things. No matter the outcome. Some of his strengths were that he was decisive, determined, and fearless. Ares was characterized as a murderer, brutal, and would slaughter the weak.

8  ARES & THE WAR OF THE GIGANTES Ares fought with the other gods in a War against the Giantess (serpent-footed giants), and slew the Gigantic Mimas. In ancient Greek vase painting the Gigantic opponent of Ares is named Mimon. Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 1227 (trans. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) : "Aeetes [King of Kolkhis] put on his breast the stiff cuirass which Ares had given him after slaying Mimas with his own hands in the field of Phlegra."

9  Ares is a bearded and good looking god when he was in his prime. He was always portrayed as a very handsome young man. He holds a spear and has vultures and dogs in his company. Some of his positive qualities are decisiveness and fearlessness. He is very determined and makes extremely strong decision.  Ares is the only son of Zeus and Hera. Right from childhood he was known to be irritable and completely contrast with his peaceful parent’s nature. Ares is compared to the Roman god of Mars

10  Ares ‘s name in modern society is used in no ways at all… LITERALY

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