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Welcome! Please arrange yourselves in groups of four so group members represent: A mix of grade levels A mix of schools 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please arrange yourselves in groups of four so group members represent: A mix of grade levels A mix of schools 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please arrange yourselves in groups of four so group members represent: A mix of grade levels A mix of schools 1

2 2 “How People Learn” Mathematics/Science Leadership Academy 2009 Mathematics/Science Leadership Academy 2009

3 Engage Activity How does the postcard represent one or more principles from How People Learn? 3

4 4 Session Goals  Connect Principles from How People Learn with learning in mathematics  Engage in a mathematical task and apply the Principles  Connect Principles with strands of mathematical proficiency  Examine the implementation of a mathematical task  Consider implications for our own practice

5 5 How Students Learn: Mathematics in the Classroom  Return to your reading: Select one or more sentences for each Principle that resonate with or challenge your thinking.  Share at table.  Turn and Talk: What new learning about the Principles do you take away from this activity?

6 A Mathematical Task Shade 0.725 of the area of an 8x10 grid. Reflect: How were the Principles evident in the task and discussion? 6

7 Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics  Product of 18-month project that synthesized the rich and diverse research on mathematics learning  Research from teaching and learning, cognitive psychology, and mathematics education 7

8 Mathematical Proficiency: What It Means for Anyone to Learn Mathematics Successfully

9 Strands of Mathematical Proficiency  Strands of Mathematical Proficiency: Use a jigsaw to read and discuss the strands of mathematical proficiency. 1. Understanding (Conceptual Understanding) 2. Computing (Procedural Fluency) 3. Applying (Strategic Competence) and Reasoning (Adaptive Reasoning) 4. Engaging (Productive Disposition)  What connections do you make with the strands of mathematical proficiency and the Principles? 9

10 Connecting to the Classroom  Read “Mr. Hernandez—Teaching Seventh Graders About Representations of Rational Numbers.”  Turn and Talk: How is each student thinking about the task?  What was the value of the mathematical task?  How and for what purpose did Mr. Hernandez use both correct solutions and solutions with errors?  What evidence of the strands of mathematical proficiency is present in the lesson? 10

11 Personal Reflection  Journal: What are the implications for your practice? 11

12 Transparent Facilitation 12

13 Next Steps  Lunch: 12:00–12:30 p.m.  Afternoon Sessions (see participant list): New Math: Rooms 2303–2305 Returning Math: Room 2307 Elementary Science: Room 2207 Secondary Science: Room 2205 13

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