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Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms. 3 major subatomic particles? ProtonElectronNeutron What is the charge on each? Which identifies the atom? Which tells the.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms. 3 major subatomic particles? ProtonElectronNeutron What is the charge on each? Which identifies the atom? Which tells the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms

2 3 major subatomic particles? ProtonElectronNeutron What is the charge on each? Which identifies the atom? Which tells the chemical properties?


4 structure of the atom? 1) Small, dense nucleus. 2) Nucleus is neutrons & protons. 3) Nucleus has a positive charge. 4) 4) Most mass is found in the nucleus 5) Electrons surround the nucleus and occupy most of the volume

5 Evolution of 3 Atomic Models 1. 1. John Dalton (1766 – 1844) : atomic theory 2. 2. J.J. Thomson (1856 – 1940) : electron 3. Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937) : nucleus Aren’t they cute!! didn’t tell of electron. didn’t tell locations & energy of electron. - + - - + - - + - + - + + - + - + - - + -

6 Bohr Planetary Model 1913 - 1913 - electrons orbit the nucleus Bohr asked “What prevents the electrons from falling into the nucleus?” w/ fixed amount of energy, fixed path & won’t fall inward

7 Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962) electrons exist in energy levels around nucleus Young Bohr Old Bohr Wild Bohr A Real Bore

8 Bohr - Bohr - electrons circles the nucleus & can “jump” levels Quantum – Minimum energy req. for electron to move levels

9 energy levels like steps.... not equally spaced. higher the step, more energy & farther away Energy Levels Sixth  Fifth  Forth  Third  Second  First  Nucleus 

10 A. All solid objects will change color when they are heated because they emit ________. Radiation - which is light The color that is produced by the emitted radiation depends on the _____ of the object. Temperature Example: Red glow from an electric stove

11 Bohr’s Model of the Atom

12 Erwin Schrodinger (1887 – 1961) Quantum Mechanical Model mathematical model - predicts location and energy Electrons don’t have definite energy level paths.

13 90% probability region denser the cloud, greater probability

14 Schrödinger’s Famous Paradoxical Cat 1)cat in box, w/ a radioactive atom. 2)If atom decays, hammer hits flask w/ prussic acid 3)killing cat. Is the cat alive or dead? quantum mechanics, says: ” it wavers 50% dead 50%

15 e- exists in all locations, 1 location & sometimes no location


17 Electrons can’t exist between levels & change Levels electrons by gaining/losing an exact quantity of energy (1 quantum)

18 ELECTRONS IN SUB-ENERGY LEVELS WB P. 180 floor no. subLevel room bedS

19 S P D F

20 Electronic Configurations Aufbau Principle Aufbau Principle

21 Electronic Configurations use your periodic chart – page 1 use your periodic chart – page 1


23 Electronic Configurations 1 st row 1 st row

24 Electronic Configurations 1 st row 1 st row

25 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

26 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

27 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

28 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

29 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

30 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

31 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

32 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

33 Electronic Configurations 2 nd row 2 nd row

34 Electronic Configurations 3 rd row 3 rd row

35 Electronic Configurations 3 rd row 3 rd row

36 Electronic Configurations 3 rd row 3 rd row

37 Electronic Configurations 3 rd row 3 rd row

38 Electronic Configurations 3 rd row 3 rd row

39 Electronic Configurations 3 rd row 3 rd row

40 Electronic Configurations 4 th row 4 th row

41 Z= 2  What’s wrong with this?


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