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Electrons “in Orbit” Topic 2.1. Emission line spectrum – energy is applied to a specific element this “excites” the element and the light is viewed.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrons “in Orbit” Topic 2.1. Emission line spectrum – energy is applied to a specific element this “excites” the element and the light is viewed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrons “in Orbit” Topic 2.1


3 Emission line spectrum – energy is applied to a specific element this “excites” the element and the light is viewed through a spectroscope – a continuous spectrum is NOT observed, but a series of very bright lines of specific colors with black spaces in- between instead – unique for every element and are used to identify atoms (much like fingerprints are used to identify people)

4 More on emission line spectrum Give off energy when falls back down to normal energy level

5 – the process electrons surround the nucleus in specific orbitals or energy levels when electrons are excited (heat/electricity) they can move to a higher energy level when they move back down they emit energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation because electrons can only exist in certain energy levels, only certain transitions can occur the color of the light emitted depends on the frequency of the emitted photon

6 electron in the atom gains (absorbs) energy from heating 2.electron jumps up an energy level. 3.electron is now unstable (unwelcome) in this level and is “kicked out” 4.when the electron loses the energy and come back to the original level, light is emitted this is a repetitive slide- just couldn’t bear to delete it

7 The Atomic Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen the emission spectrum of hydrogen is the simplest emission spectrum because there is only one electron – if had more than one electron, they would influence the other’s position – it is not uniform, but concentrated into bright lines, indicating the existence of only certain allowed electron energy levels – Electron “jumping” website Electron “jumping” website – McGraw Hill animation link McGraw Hill animation link


9 convergence up here (levels are close together)

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