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Can we collect data yet?. time Can we collect data yet? No. time.

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Presentation on theme: "Can we collect data yet?. time Can we collect data yet? No. time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can we collect data yet?

2 time

3 Can we collect data yet? No. time

4 Can we collect data yet? No. Yes. time

5 Can we collect data yet? No. Yes, but no. Yes. time

6 First light! June 8, 2001 ALS BL 8.3.1

7 First light! June 8, 2001 ALS BL 8.3.1

8 First light! June 8, 2001 ALS BL 8.3.1

9 Problems?











20 Decoupling detector from sample



23 Beam stability

24 Does the beamline “know” we’re trying to collect?

25 Time of day Flux out of mono (nA)

26 Exercise wavelength (3 motors) Time of day Flux out of mono (nA)

27 Exercise wavelength (3 motors) Beam off Pinhole Time of day Flux out of mono (nA)

28 Exercise Theta (1 motor) Time of day Flux out of mono (nA)

29 Exercise Z2 (1 motor) Time of day Flux out of mono (nA)

30 Shutter stability

31 Time (s) Flux (nA)

32 Shutter stability before after

33 Detector comparison procedure RunIringExposeFramesXtal AXtal B 138.91.01808. 227.81.41808. 321.01.91808. 415.02.61418. 539.01.01808. 627.81.41808. 720.81.91808. 816.02.51418.

34 Detector comparison procedure beamline8. detectorQ210Q315125% SN442905- Distance(mm)150 - Wavelength (A)1.116 - Divergence (h)1.5 - Divergence (v)0.350.3-0.35~16.7% Flux (ph/s)1.1 x10 10 ~0

35 Detector comparison results beamline8. 1.0001.0070.7% frames1362 - multiplicity~100 - R merge (%)6.2(10.7)6.4(10.3)-3.1% I/sig(I)90.6(66.3)85.2(63.9)6.3% Ranom (%)4.1(4.7)4.1(4.5)0.0%

36 Detector comparison results beamline8. MADPPH7.947.308.8% MPADPPH48.1547.611.1% FOM(SAD)0.4540.4491.1% FOM(DM)0.7620.775-1.7% Rcryst (wARP)0.140 0.0% Rfree (wARP)0.2840.2850.4% CC (model)0.5070.523-3.1% CC (8.3.1 map)-0.922-

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