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Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 TOTEM ELECTRONICS.

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Presentation on theme: "Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 TOTEM ELECTRONICS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 TOTEM ELECTRONICS STATUS Walter Snoeys

2 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 Roman Pot (and T2) Electronics CMS based: APV + optical links for data, trigger and control Trigger electronics TOTEM specific: –New trigger chip developed by CERN-MIC (VFAT) provides: 128 channels digital tracking data + 128 deep pipeline memory Serial tracking data output upon trigger signal 8-10 trigger outputs (fast or of group of channels) –On trigger plane 4 APV’s replaced by 4 VFAT’s: Trigger outputs grouped over 1 optical serial link/plane Tracking data sent over analog APV link –TOTEM trigger box: Receives and synchronizes optical trigger signals Performs trigger generation Sends trigger to CMS and/or TOTEM Detector geometry TOTEM specific: –Geometrical redesign of CMS electronics close to detectors –Counting room electronics for CMS part identical

3 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 Roman Pot electronics –Totem APV hybrid Manu Sanchez EST design 1 st version ok –Totemflex“2 wks –Totem APV testcard (arcs & st cms compatible) “2 wks –Production to be organized asapRui De Oliveira EST –VFAT TestcardJ. Kaplon + MS EST2 wks –Production to be organized asapRui De Oliveira –VFAT TestingShayar + Roberto Dinapoliafter testcard –Totem VFAT hybridRoberto Dinapoli + MS ESTdesign in April, production go ahead after 1 st VFAT measurements –Roman Pot MotherboardLyon input for schematic CMS partNeed to define optical Some input on optical link (A. Kok)serial link (800MHz vs 1.6 GHz) + decision on VFAT readout –SPS cables and patch panelsAnne-Laure Perrot + Daniela Macinacables ordered + installed, patch panels in course of definition –SPS trigger signalsMarco Bozzo people contacted to obtain clock and trigger signals from Beam Monitor –Cooling electronicsF. Haug + AL Perrot (patch p)Definition in progress –Roman Pot control (motor)M. Oriunno + AL Perrot(“)Use hardware chosen by machine people –Roman Pot T & P measurementM. Oriunno(P)+ E. Noschis(T)+ AL Perrot (patch P)Nat. Instr. based for T (Elias), P in progress –Roman Pot High VoltageG. RuggieroCaen based, interface available, needs some work –Detector designG. Ruggiero + E. Noschis + V. Eremin + C. Kenney3D planar in processing, end of March, edgeless design 2 wks –OptohybridsA. Kok + group F. Vaseytesting & qualifying, GOL link to be defined further –FEC electronicsMic Group + Brunelqualifying boards –FED electronicsMic Group + Brunel + RAL –SPS + X5 trigger box?? Optical link dependent, needs deserializer + then some concidence –Alignment and mounting procedure definitioninput from Sherwood Parker, Marco Ocome close to final solution G. Ruggiero, M. DeileRoman Pot and X5 compatible

4 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 Electronics status T2 electronics –X5 Test Compass (APV) basedMarco Bozzo + ??Design is there, some production necessary, will watch geometrical compatibility with final system –Final system APV and VFATMarco Bozzo + ?? Similar to (positive answer from Compass: outputs (fast or of group of channels) T2 electronics –Totemflex“2 wks –Totem APV testcard (arcs & st cms compatible) “2 wks –Production to be organized asapRui De Oliveira EST –VFAT TestcardJ. Kaplon + MS EST2 wks –Production to be organized asapRui De Oliveira –Totem APV hybrid Manu Sanchez EST design 1 st version ok –VFAT TestingShayar + Roberto Dinapoliafter testcard –Totem VFAT hybridRoberto Dinapoli + MS ESTdesign in April, production go ahead after 1 st VFAT measurements –Roman Pot MotherboardLyon input for schematic CMS partNeed to define optical Some input on optical link (A. Kok)serial link (800MHz vs 1.6 GHz) + decision on VFAT readout –SPS cables and patch panelsAnne-Laure Perrot + Daniela Macinacables ordered + installed, patch panels in course of definition –SPS + X5 trigger box?? Optical link dependent, needs deserializer + then some concidence –SPS trigger signalsMarco Bozzo people contacted to obtain clock and trigger signals from Beam Monitor –Cooling electronicsF. Haug + AL Perrot (patch p)Definition in progress –Roman Pot control (motor)M. Oriunno + AL PerrotUse hardware chosen by machine people –Roman Pot T & P measurementM. Oriunno(P)+ E. Noschis(T)+ AL Perrot (patch P)Nat. Instr. based for T (Elias), P in progress –Roman Pot High VoltageG. RuggieroCaen based, interface available, needs some work »

5 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 Connect or for flex circuit Readout chips Detecto r Alignment marks Atmospheric side Flange vacuu m detecto r Flexible connectio ns glu e Roman pot mother board Spacers and frames Support arm beam Printed circuit board

6 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 LDD Totem Trigger Box Coincidence box Trigger system LDD RX CCU Module CCU Module CCU Module CCU Module CCU Module FEC Central Processing TTCrx Digital optohybrid Digital system Radiation environment Counting Room LDD FED Roman Pot patch panel Data Processing TTCrx DAQ Interface Analog system 96 Roman Pot Mother board Analog optohybrid patch panel Analog optohybrid

7 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 TOTEMTRACK  This is the card inside the Roman Pot which incorporates the CMS hybrid with 4 APV chips  Interconnect to the outside  40 connections at low voltage for hybrid itself  4 connections for Pt-100  2 (Gnd and high voltage) connection  => low voltage ZIF kapton connector 51 pin for low voltage and Pt-100  => high voltage minimum two wires  Need good thermal connection to frame (TOP and Bottom), needs Cu feedthroughs 9 cm 13.4 cm max flange motherboard detector APVs Components only on one side Low voltage connector High voltage connector 0 4 mm 0 5 mm Thermal conduct. high Pt-100 Trigger conn.Tracking conn. Alignment mark

8 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 TOTEMFLEX  This is the kapton which needs to connect the totemtrack and totemtrig cards to the motherboard  44 lines Interconnect + a mass plane on one side for the LVDS connections  Need variable length because of pot geometry  Need two version one for backward and one for forward connection.  Needs to be rigidified at the end. 90 cm 13.4 cm max flange motherboard detector APVs Components only on one side Low voltage connector High voltage connector 0 4 mm 0 5 mm Thermal conduct. high Pt-100 Trigger conn.Tracking conn. Alignment mark

9 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 TOTEMTRIG  This is the card inside the Roman Pot which incorporates the CMS hybrid with 4 APV chips  Interconnect to the outside  40 connections at low voltage for hybrid itself  4 connections for Pt-100  2 (Gnd and high voltage) connection  => low voltage ZIF kapton connector 45 pin for low voltage and Pt-100  => high voltage minimum two wires  Need good thermal connection to frame (TOP and Bottom), needs Cu feedthroughs 9 cm 13.4 cm max flange motherboard detector VFATs Components only on one side Low voltage connector High voltage connector 0 4 mm 0 5 mm Thermal conduct. high Pt-100 Trigger conn.Tracking conn. Alignment mark

10 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 Patch panel 43.210 43.2 67 16 10 31 13 15 13 15 10.6 Patch-panel Front view 140.2 169.6 TOTEM mother board side Patch-panel (side view) Rack side LV (DOH)/Tmeasure: NE48; x? conductors per plane for LV (DOH) and 4 conductors per plane for T on y? planes =>2(12x+4y)=z? conductors for the 2 RPs Pressure: NE48 9 conductors per RP =>18 conductors for the 2 RPs RS232 HV supply: NE48; 2 conductors per plane and 12 planes per RP=> 24 conductors per RP => 48 conductors 48 BPF round 2 CMS multi-service cables (1.25V conductor, 2.5V conductor, 1 return conductor, 8 HV conductors, 1 twisted LV conductor for T and 2 return conductors, 4 LV twisted pairs for T and sensors 4 drains Total: 24 conductors per cable) Canon D-sub 36W4 Female 67x16 Canon D-sub 36W4 Female 67x16 Optical fibers (8 ribbons of 12 fibers i.e. 96 fibers); hyp: 12 detectors planes VFAT: -trigger: 6 planes; 1 fiber per plane; i.e. in total 12 fibers for 2 RPs; -readout:6 planes, 1 fiber for 8 planes i.e. in total 2 fibers for the 2 RPs. APV: 6 planes; 2 fibers per planes i.e. 12 fibers thus 24 fibers for the 2 RPs. APV control: 8 fibers per RP thus 16 fibers for the 2 RPs Total: 54 fibers for the 2 RPs. 8 connectors MPO12 DEC-9 SFO 31x13 48 pins z? pins 18 pins V250 V125 return S250+/- S125+/- LV: 4 pins Power: 3 pins 7 pins ? V250 V125 return S250+/- S125+/- LV: 4 pins Power: 3 pins 7 pins ? 54 pins Pins numbers? 48 BSM length 43.2 male 8 sockets 48 BSM length 43.2 48 BSM length 43.2

11 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 CMS Interaction Point Roman Pot Stations 12 planes/pot 3 pots/station 8-12 stations for spares 16 stations => 16x3x12=576 planes of 4 APV compatible chips

12 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 OR_PREVOR_0OR_1OR_2 0 1 23456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839

13 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004 OR LOGIC MASK REGISTER & MUX FRONT 130 CHANNELS MASK REGISTER & MUX MULTI CONTROL LOGIC SRAM 135X128 OUTPUT REGISTER Bias & test Inputs writeMask pulseOr pulseMode accumulate orSynchronize memorySetMinDelay memorySelfTest memorySelfTestActive memorySelfTestError dataOut OR Outputs 130 Channel Inputs 4 Front End Test Outputs serialOut shift Serial In readMask L3 L129 clk resetB 128

14 Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC W.Snoeys – MIC group Collaboration meeting 25/2/2004

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