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SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity G-POD and L2OS 4 February 2013 ARGANS.

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Presentation on theme: "SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity G-POD and L2OS 4 February 2013 ARGANS."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity G-POD and L2OS 4 February 2013 ARGANS

2 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Overview L2OS used G-POD to reprocess all L1c from 21/12/2011 to 29/2/2012 with OTT synchronised with NIR calibrations 70 days = 2020 products = 550G L2OS UDP & DAP processing time 46 days, elapsed time 72 days Gaps in processing (eg over Christmas); products mislaid, but reprocessed by G-POD on request (ftp problems) Runs performed in 5 batches (operator installation of OTT & AUX_BULL_B): 12/11/2012 to 22/11/2012: 11 days to process 13 days of L1c 23/11/2012 to 4/12/2012: 12 days to process 14 days of L1c 5/12/2012 to 14/12/2012: 9 days to process 14 days of L1c 10/1/2013 to 17/1/2013: 8 days to process 15 days of L1c 18/1/2013 to 23/1/2013: 6 days to process 14 days of L1c

3 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity Issues Configuration files cannot be uploaded & selected via web interface Need to request uploads & configuration via email to G-POD operators: implies time delays and additional opportunities for errors Large jobs (several days) cannot be specified via web interface Delivery bandwidth problems – probably at both ends – need alternatives? Throughput unknown depends on overall G-POD loading/resource allocation/priority? Only one L2OS processor can be installed at any one time? Cannot install other SMOS executables, eg compareTBs for OTT tests

4 SMOS L2 Ocean Salinity 4 Suggestions Allow ‘hands-on’ configuration, orchestration & installation of L2OS ADFs and processors Optional ‘hand-crafted’ job orders Allow installation of post-processing tools & scripts to check/monitor outputs Work with G-POD team & ESL to improve service

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