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The Early Conservation Age 1832-1960. Henry David Thoreau Wrote Life in the Woods, Walden Pond, and other “nature novellas” Early conservationist To get.

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Presentation on theme: "The Early Conservation Age 1832-1960. Henry David Thoreau Wrote Life in the Woods, Walden Pond, and other “nature novellas” Early conservationist To get."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Early Conservation Age 1832-1960

2 Henry David Thoreau Wrote Life in the Woods, Walden Pond, and other “nature novellas” Early conservationist To get a better feel for nature he built a log cabin on Walden Pond and lived there for 2 years, alone.

3 George Perkins Marsh Published Man and Nature in 1864, helped legislators see the need for resource conservation. Member of Congress, Vermont. Questioned the idea that all resources are limited.

4 1870- The First Wildlife Refuge Established in Lake Merritt, California.

5 1872- Yellowstone National Park Established Established by American Forestry Association Organized by private citizens to protect forests.

6 1880- Killer fog in London Kills 700 people

7 1890-Yosemite Park founded Government declares the country’s frontier closed.

8 1891- The Forest Reserve Act Authorized the president to set aside forest reserves.

9 1892- John Muir founded Sierra Club Promote increased perseveration of public land. More killer fog! Muir advocated lands from human exploitation Became law in 1964 Proposed that National Park system should be created on public lands

10 1904- Kids die due to lead poisoning Traced back to lead based paint

11 1905-US Forest Service Manages and protects forest reserves Pioneered scientific management of forest resources on public lands using sustainable yield and multiple use

12 1906- Antiquities Act Allows the president to protect areas of scientific or historical interest on federal land as national monuments Used to protect the Grand Canyon

13 1908- First warning of Global Warming Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius argues that increased emissions form burning fossil fuels will lead to global warming

14 1916- National Park Service Act Declared parks were to be maintained in a manner that leaves them unimpaired for future generations Established National Park Service to manage system First head was Stephen T. Mather

15 1920- Public Health Boards established Pretty much.

16 1933- Civilian Conservation Corps established Put 2 million unemployed people to work Plant trees, develop and maintain park and recreation areas, restore silted water waste, build levees and dams for flood control, control soils erosion, protect wildlife

17 1935- Soil Conservation Act Established Soil Erosion Service as part of the Department of Agriculture to correct the enormous erosion problem Name was changed to Soil Conservation Service, is now called National Resources Conservation Service

18 1956-Water Pollution Control Act Provides grants to states for water treatment plants

19 Made By Rebecca Faust Brooke Perry Leah Holleman Jenna Colhouer Misha Nelson

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