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Clinical Lead Self Care and Prevention

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1 Clinical Lead Self Care and Prevention
through patient and staff activation October 2015 Enid Feather Clinical Lead Self Care and Prevention

2 Aims of Presentation Know what is meant by self care and prevention
Understand some of the ways self care can be encouraged and supported. Look after yourself information Open a discussion on ideas for developing support for self care

3 Context NHS success at saving lives so people live longer
Many with a significant proportion of poor health More people with more than one long term condition Some conditions attributable to lifestyle choice More people with caring responsibilities Increased demands on health and social care

4 What is self care? Ref Health Care Forum.
‘Self Care is a lifelong habit for patients and the public dealing appropriately, effectively and safely with their own minor ailments and long term conditions, taking preventative measures to stay fit, and maintaining good physical and mental health and wellbeing.’ Ref Health Care Forum.

5 The Self Care Continuum

6 Prevention Primary prevention reduces the risk of health problems by reducing lifestyle risks or targeting high risk groups Secondary prevention intervenes in the early stages of disease to reduce the impact on function and independence 3. Tertiary prevention prevents or delays disability from long term conditions.

7 The Self Care Continuum
Self management Self care Medical emergencies Management of general health and illnesses Shared roles for people with long term conditions Opportunity during recovery and rehabilitation Primary prevention Secondary and tertiary prevention

8 A social and medical model
Self management Self care Medical emergencies Health and wellbeing managed in a social context Health and wellbeing managed in a social context with medical model support Medical model Social model Social and medical model Medical model

9 Self care and prevention is for everyone

10 No clear road map for the journey

11 What works?

12 The King’s Fund House of Care

13 What works? Finding out what is important to the person
Involving people in decision making Structured information Joint goal setting, plans and reviews Self monitoring symptoms and escalation plans Support with social, emotional and physical impacts of illness Opportunities to share and learn from others

14 What do engaged patients look like?

15 Benefits of engaging patients
Can have a positive impact on people’s Physical symptoms and clinical outcomes Ability to cope day by day Attitudes and behaviours Quality of life and health and wellbeing The evidence that this reduces costs is variable

16 Self care and management model

17 What are we doing in AW&C?
Promoting the self care and prevention message Working with staff and services across the area Engagement with service users Linking with partner organisations for win win Establishing a staff self care network Improving self care information on the CCG public website Including in service specifications Building into the New Models of Care

18 Look after yourself Maintain a healthy weight Keep active
Drink alcohol sensibly Hobbies and interests Contact with family and friends Resist smoking For information look on NHS Choices

19 The AW&C Self Care Network
The link to sign up is Please encourage people to join.

20 NHS Choices Your Health, Your Choice
The link is Health A-Z Services near you Live Well Health news Interactive tools/apps Care and Support

21 Community Health Maps The link to community health maps is Please encourage people to use

22 Self Care Week 16-22 November 2015
Bradford and Craven Programme organising public events and resources Developing Self Care week packs Public events at Keighley Shopping Centre and Craven Court in Skipton Promotion of Pharmacy before and during self care week Encouraging displays in GP practices - Leisure Centres Schools and libraries Local Colleges

23 Questions and discussion

24 References Person Centred Care: From ideas to action, The Health Foundation, October 2014 The Self Care Continuum adapted from the Self Care Forum Website The need for an integrated approach to supporting patients who should self manage, Jim Phillips, Self Care Journal, March 2012 Delivering better services for people with long term conditions: Building the house of care, The Kings Fund October 2013 Bradford District and Craven Self Care and Prevention Programme Brief. May 2015 The NHS Constitution March 2013 Five Year Forward View October 2014 The Health and Social care Act 2012

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