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Partners in Action 10 Tips for Dealing with Doctors.

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Presentation on theme: "Partners in Action 10 Tips for Dealing with Doctors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partners in Action 10 Tips for Dealing with Doctors

2 The Doctor’s Office  Schedules and Appointments  Telephone Access  Communication  Billing and Finances  Hours and Call

3 The Medical Secretary  Referrals, Resources and Appts.  Gatekeeper of Time  Marketing Opportunity  Multi-disciplinary Team  Medical Secretary Association

4 Role of the Doctor  Resource  Expert  Consultant  Medical Advisor  Reviewer  Medical Referral

5 Evidence –Based Medicine  Have our facts and resources ready and researched  Find credible medical references  Go to Gold Standard –Cochrane Group –CMA –NEJM

6 Patient-Centered  Find familiar references to their practice  Know their interest and expertise  Practical, time efficient patient interventions that make their job easier

7 Medical Associations and Organizations  Provincial,National  Licensing  Special Interest  Position Papers  Partner Projects

8 Champions within the Profession  Find the leaders and opinion settters  Find the motivators  Bring the Shakers on side  Use the most visible MD’s  Find the right person for the job

9 Education Collaboration  Community Resources  Programs outside the MD office  Progress Notes  Provide Upgrades  Supply and Restock office handouts

10 Research Collaborations  N=1  Case Studies  Case- Control Groups  Cohort Studies  Multi-Center RCT

11 Recognition and Rewards  Office Plaque  Newspaper article  Certificate of Merit  Invitation to community event  Dignitary role in the Activity

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