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Community Development in Rural Southeast Asia Objectives – Of this presentation is to Share – Why it is important to identify the power structure and power.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Development in Rural Southeast Asia Objectives – Of this presentation is to Share – Why it is important to identify the power structure and power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Development in Rural Southeast Asia Objectives – Of this presentation is to Share – Why it is important to identify the power structure and power holders within the context of which we work? – Why it is important to establish rapport with the power holders to be able to deliver healthcare and walk with the village in development. Identify – Some of the benefits of establishing good relationships within the power structure. – Some of the challenges of working within the power structure as it is seen in the cultural and religious environment of SE Asia.

2 Participant Objectives Share 3 reasons why it is important to establish good rapport among village power holders, in order to be able to deliver healthcare and development. Share 3 challenges in working within the culture and religious environment of Southeast Asia.

3 Power Holder Witchdoctors/traditional healers Seen as first line for healthcare. Their power is believed to have been given supernaturally and they can use this magic for good or to curse Their approval gives or lessens

4 Power Holder Religious Leaders Lead Sermons about Islam and life in the village and lead times of prayer Teach religious thoughts on the role of medicine and medical treatment Experts on religion and culture saying what is permissible and what is not See spiritual and physical as not separable Their approval or disapproval results in the community accepting or rejecting our care

5 Power Holder Civic Leaders Have the governmental authority to regulate and manage the interest of the village based on their customs and through laws enacted by provincial and national movement Implement the governmental affairs for and in the village which includes giving permission for foreigners to be present in their territory Have the authority to issue government assistance and to distribute the assistance

6 Village Power Structure Three overlapping groups with power – Witchdoctors Utilized as the first source for healthcare Use magic to heal along with traditional herbs and incantations – Religious Leaders He also holds one of the keys to people’s physical health in stating what is allowed and forbidden medical practices. – Civic leaders. Give permission for programs in their village Authority to issue and distribute government assistance for health care.

7 Advantages of Rapport Witchdoctor Implies tacit approval to the community and opens community acceptance Gives confidence from the community to the health program Demonstrates our power as when leaders seek our help

8 Advantages of Rapport Religious Leaders Opens doors by their chain of authority for me to be able to teach about health matters and to care for the community Their approval allows people in the village to utilize the health program

9 Advantages of Rapport Civic Leaders Their authority gives me the authority to be present in the village Help the program to run smoothly by enlisting their cooperation and assistance

10 Challenges/Obstacles of the Power Structure Witchdoctors Hinder people from seeking medical treatment from other sources Use spiritual and evil forces

11 Challenges/Obstacles of the Power Structure Witchdoctors Create confusion of who has the power and what should be done to treat illness

12 Challenges/Obstacles of the Power Structure Civic Leaders Government Model is not conducive to open spiritual discussion and forces a non-holistic approach of treatment of a disease and not the person

13 Advantages of Rapport Unlocks the door by their chain of authority for our programs to be present in the village Implies tacit approval to the community and opens community acceptance Enables the program to run smoothly by enlisting cooperation and assistance from the community

14 Challenges/Obstacles of the Power Structure Can hinder people from seeking medical treatment from other sources Sometimes use evil spiritual forces Assumed Government model is not conducive to open spiritual discussion and holistic care May enforce cultural and spiritual beliefs that clash with medical care

15 Power Holders and Structures are Present in Every Situation What are they in your situation?

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