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WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Photonic Systems Group Tyndall National Institute R.J. Manning R.P. Webb, X.Yang, R. Giller Tyndall National Institute/University.

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Presentation on theme: "WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Photonic Systems Group Tyndall National Institute R.J. Manning R.P. Webb, X.Yang, R. Giller Tyndall National Institute/University."— Presentation transcript:

1 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Photonic Systems Group Tyndall National Institute R.J. Manning R.P. Webb, X.Yang, R. Giller Tyndall National Institute/University College Cork Physics Dept., Cork Ireland

2 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Photonic Systems Group (PSG) Founded summer 2003 Core group of 6 relocated to Cork from Corning Research Centre, UK (formerly part of BT Laboratories) Relocated to Photonics Building Dec 2004 Now 22 people May 2006

3 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Optical Signal Processing Group Robin Giller PhD Student IRCSET Roderick Webb Senior Researcher Xuelin Yang Senior Post-doc Bob Manning Principle Investigator Alan Riordan MSc student

4 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Objectives Principal objectives of PSG: –Create in Ireland an internationally-competitive centre for Photonic Systems Research. –Augment existing Irish Photonics activity. –Provide focus for component development.

5 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Proposed programme Broad-ranging programme in advanced and novel photonic systems –Applications primarily in ICT. To include: –Optical access network technologies –New technologies for optical signal generation, transmission –Advanced concepts in regeneration and processing –Non-telecom applications: Quantum cryptography Interconnection networks in supercomputers Biosensing systems.

6 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Activities within PSG Photonic Access and Local Area Networks and Technologies -Fibre Access Networks (“deep reach” access) Metropolitan Area Networks and Point-to-Point Transmission Technologies -MAN -Spectral efficiency & Coherent WDM -FEC Ultra-high capacity all-optical signal regeneration -Multi-wavelength regeneration Physics of Optoelectronic Devices for Advanced Systems Applications -Digital Optical Signal Processing -Ultra-fast Time Resolved Spectroscopy -Quantum Dot SOAs Photonic Interconnection Networks in High-Performance Computers -Fast reconfigurable devices (wavelength switching) Non-Telecom Applications of Photonics Technology -Quantum Cryptography -Biosensing

7 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 40 Gbit/s system testbed Access system testbed up to 10 Gbit/s Picosecond infrared spectroscopy and interferometry Data rates: 625 MBit/s-170 GBit/s Quantum cryptography. These testbeds provide research capabilities for nonlinear optics for optical signal processing optical and optoelectronic device physics and their systems applications optical and quantum communications. PSG Capabilities

8 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 WISDOM Bi-annual Meeting 29 th January 07 Tyndall National Institute, Cork AGENDA TimeTopicSpeaker 09.30Coffee & welcome 10.00Project update over 1st 6 months GDM 10.30Workpackage updates & plans for next 6 months ~15 mins each + discussion Workpackage leaders 12.00Lunch 13.30Facility tour 14.30Further discussions on workpackages All 15.30Coffee 16.00AOB

9 WISDOM meeting 29/01/07 Workpackage 4: Optical processing sub-system development Work areas : Bit serial Circuit Design and Modelling Hybrid Integrated Circuit Fabrication Individual Device and Subsystem Characterisation Control firmware & software development Hybrid integrated optical circuits required : Programmable optical bit filter Optical bit pattern matching circuit Optical buffer memory Optical routing switch Control firmware for the operation of the hybrid integrated circuits Validation of individual hybrid integrated subsystems at wirespeed (40Gbit/s) Establish a bit serial circuit design suitable for the architecture that has been chosen in WP2, model the hybrid integrated circuits. Establish proportion of all-optical to electronic processing which is most practical for this work.

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