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Stop Malaria Project Central Region Review Meeting Objectives Dr. Walter Odoch 14 th Feb,2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Stop Malaria Project Central Region Review Meeting Objectives Dr. Walter Odoch 14 th Feb,2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stop Malaria Project Central Region Review Meeting Objectives Dr. Walter Odoch 14 th Feb,2013

2 BACKGROUND Stop Malaria Project is designed to assist the Government of Uganda in particular the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) in reaching 85% coverage of children under five years of age and pregnant women with proven preventive and therapeutic malaria interventions, over a period of five years Stop Malaria Project is implementing malaria interventions in 34 districts

3 SMP Package – Malaria Prevention –Diagnosis ( Lab &RDTs) –Case management ( un complicated &Severe) –BCC and community mobilization –Integrated support Supervision & Clinical Audit –HMIS-M&E

4 REVIEW MEETING OVERALL OBJECTI VE To review SMP activities implemented in Q1 of Yr5 and discuss planned activities for the remaining quarters

5 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To provide feedback to district partners on performance Q1Yr5 To share good practices from districts To review and agree on ways to address implementation bottlenecks

6 EXPECTED OUTPUTS Feedback provided on progress made in Q1 for YR5 in SMP central districts Implementation bottlenecks identified and ways to address them agreed upon.

7 END Thank You

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