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This is Jenna at my cousin Karl's wedding This is Jenna at my nana ruby's 100 th birthday party.

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2 This is Jenna at my cousin Karl's wedding This is Jenna at my nana ruby's 100 th birthday party

3 Name:Jenifer Ann Josephs-Cato DOB&DOD:17 th.3 rd.1939-24 th.5 th.2010 Favourite Things:Dragon Flies, Green, Crafts, Drama, seeing her family Hobbies:Collecting cool and wonderful dragon Flies, Making crafts, spoiling her grand children. Characteristic:Cheerful, Loving, Friendly, Kind, Caring, Bubbly, Mum&Dad:Brian Anthony and Roberte Camille Cato Siblings:Dierdre, Anthony, Danielle Kids and Husband:Kenneth Cyril Josephs, Nicholas-1959, Matthew-1960, Gregory-1962, Amanda-1964, Sarah-1966

4 Jenna was born in Wellington, she grew up there for her childhood and then moved to Auckland when she was a teenager. She trained to be a nurse and a social worker. Jenna sadly passed away from an illness affecting her liver & kidneys called renal failure 24 th of the 5 th 2010. Jenna married Kenneth Cyril Josephs on 21 st March 1958. Poppa Ken Sadly Passed away in 2002 so Jenna was left alone but she coped really well and the kids helped her through it.

5 Where was Jenna born? Wellington What year was Jenna born? 1939 What is Jenna’s full name? Jenifer Ann Josephs-Cato

6 I love Jenna she was always awesome to me she loved me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and I loved her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Having her pass away the day before my birthday was horrible but it was better then her passing away ON my birthday. We were really close and because I didn’t get to met my other grand mother(Lois) she was really special to me and she still is ♥ Jenna has a really special place in all of the Josephs/Micklesons hearts ♥


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