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Webigeo Braden Miller Chris Willard DPH-BEH. Outline ► Software description ► Why we’re using it  MA EPHT Portal Demo  Webigeo vs. ESRI ► How we’re.

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Presentation on theme: "Webigeo Braden Miller Chris Willard DPH-BEH. Outline ► Software description ► Why we’re using it  MA EPHT Portal Demo  Webigeo vs. ESRI ► How we’re."— Presentation transcript:

1 Webigeo Braden Miller Chris Willard DPH-BEH

2 Outline ► Software description ► Why we’re using it  MA EPHT Portal Demo  Webigeo vs. ESRI ► How we’re implementing it  Back end functionality  System Architecture  Future Enhancements ► Questions

3 What is Webigeo? ► Galigeo product ► ‘Webigeo Location Intelligence brings rich data visualization and geomapping to Business Intelligence application’ ► ‘Webigeo connects directly to Business Intelligence applications, maps large-scale datasets and applies spatial processing to enhance data visualization, reporting and predictive analytics’

4 What is Webigeo? Webigeo links ArcGIS server and IBM Cognos to provide thematic maps showing dynamic query results

5 What is Webigeo? ► User can alter symbology of query results  Range  Individual values  Bar / pie charts  Proportional symbols ► Basic+ map functionality / tools  Pan / zoom  Maps tips (configurable)  Feature ID  Feature selection by point, circle, or poly  Hot Spots  Clustering  Center of gravity  Network Analyst

6 Current MA EPHT System ► Funding from CDC’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Program  23 states, 1 city, 5 academic partners ► Presents health and environmental data to the public ► Portal currently hosted externally ► Uses ESRI Maps for Cognos  Formerly SpotOn Vantage

7 Current MA EPHT System ► Health Data  Asthma  Birth Defects  Cancer  CO Poisoning  Childhood Lead Poisoning  Heart Attack Hospitalization  Pediatric Asthma  Reproductive Outcomes ► Environmental Data  Air Quality  Drinking Water Quality

8 Current MA EPHT System ► Externally hosted & supported ► De-identified record level data in the database ► Cognos queries present rates, counts, etc in charts, tables, graphs and maps, based on user’s input

9 Implementation ► Current version still in Dev ► MA EPHT Portal will include various queryable reports presenting health and environmental data ► Query results will be presented in a tabbed format  Table  Charts / Graphs  Dynamic Webigeo Map

10 Nuts & Bolts ► Webigeo Admin panel  Establish joins between Map Service layers & Cognos data  Set up map symbology ► Cognos report author imbeds Webigeo map in report as an iframe ► Leverages Cognos’ security ► Widgets / Add-ons via.xml config files

11 Adding Map Services

12 Configure Map Services

13 Configure Joins

14 Nuts & Bolts

15 ► User visits Cognos report ► Webigeo BI connector (embedded within Cognos) sends report parameters to Webigeo server ► Webigeo server gets query data from Cognos server ► Webigeo processes query results and makes them available to be used by ggo_cartographic_viewer ► Webigeo client - through iframe embedded in report – calls flex ggo_cartographic_viewer client telling it that geo-bi data are available on Webigeo server ► Flex ggo_cartographic_viewer client gets geo-bi data and joins them with ArcGIS Server REST mapservice layers ► Geo-bi data displayed on the map according to predetermined thematic symbologies

16 BEH EPHT System Architecture

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