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U.S. Department of Justice Law Enforcement Information Sharing Program (LEISP) Spring 06 - Global Advisory Committee (GAC) Meeting Vance Hitch, Chief Information.

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1 U.S. Department of Justice Law Enforcement Information Sharing Program (LEISP) Spring 06 - Global Advisory Committee (GAC) Meeting Vance Hitch, Chief Information Officer U.S. Department of Justice

2 2/17/20161 The DOJ LEISP DOJ’s strategy to ensure law enforcement information collected by DOJ is shared comprehensively and routinely with other federal, state, tribal, and local law enforcement partners: Contributes to the fulfillment of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan Contributes to the strengthening of the national Information Sharing Environment – PM ISE (per Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act and Presidential Directives) Ensures DOJ IT investments incorporate law enforcement information sharing requirements Incorporates input from law enforcement partners

3 U.S. Department of Justice 2/17/20162 LEISP Key Elements Key elements of the DOJ LEISP strategy are to: Ensure DOJ information sharing efforts support the needs of law enforcement nationwide Protect the legal rights/civil liberties of all Americans Leverage and coordinate with ongoing information sharing efforts Promote the concept of “OneDOJ”

4 U.S. Department of Justice 2/17/20163 Core LEISP Concept – OneDOJ Establish DOJ-wide policy, operations, services, and technical standards Ensure consistency of DOJ information that meets the needs of law enforcement stakeholders Provide our partners with one entry point for DOJ law enforcement information Getting our own house in order… FBIBOPUSMSATFDEAOJP

5 U.S. Department of Justice 2/17/20164 N-DEx Two Complementary Tools National Repository N-DEx National Repository N-DEx DOJ DHS/CBP Bedford County VA Phoenix PDBoston PD Miccosukee Tribal PD NCIS DOI Structured Data Only Local Systems, Contribute at own pace 200,000 possible users OneDOJ DHS/USSS Entity Resolution & Correlation Structured & Unstructured Data LEO Mid-West R-DEx Protected SSL Point to Point Connection, Web Services Standard Interface Protected SSL Point to Point Connection, Web Services Standard Interface LInX CA ARJIS PA JNETOthers Regional Sharing Systems, Managed Locally VA Approximately 100 connections WA Federated Search Across Systems NorWest Mid-Atl So-West Mid-West Regional Partitions R-DEx Fed ATF USMS BOP DEA FBI OneDOJ Structured & Unstructured Data Web Services Standard Interface Regional Systems – Grant funded, locally hosted and maintained, national standards; accessing DOJ data through R-DEx. N-DEx – Federally funded, federally hosted & maintained (CJIS). Multi-agency federal, state and local data available to the authorized user. Partnering Strategy FUTURE NY State Police FL Dept. LE GA State Police

6 U.S. Department of Justice 2/17/20165 National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) A collaboration among federal, state & local government, industry, academia –DOJ, DHS, GLOBAL, IC, DOT, NIST, etc. A federated architecture for data standards for information exchange –Framework for interconnecting independent communities of interest Universal Core, Common Core, Domains –Addresses “Tower of Babel” problems for both within and between domains –Built upon widely-used GJXML A foundation with three parts: –Core data components –Re-useable XML exchange packets –Business process models

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