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Developing Wellbeing via the Workplace

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Wellbeing via the Workplace"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Wellbeing via the Workplace
Liz Preece The Healthy Worker Ltd

2 Why?

3 Because the lack of it costs!
Why? Reduce absence Improve productivity Reduce turnover Employer of choice Reduce presenteeism Employee engagement Customer satisfaction ‘Right thing to do’ Because the lack of it costs!

4 Health and wellbeing at work
Workers and managers collaborate Continual improvement process Protect and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of all workers Sustainability of the workplace….(WHO)

5 Four aspects to consider
Health and safety concerns within the physical environment The psychosocial environment, including organisation of work and work culture Personal health resources in the workplace Healthy workplace as part of the community in which you work


7 Values Policies Activities / routines

8 Physical work environment
HASAW Act DSE Regulations Moving and Handling Regulations Workplace Regulations COSHH Equality Act

9 Psychosocial work environment
Culture Attitudes Values Daily practices

10 Personal health resources
The training, information, resources, flexibility and opportunities provided to workers to improve or maintain their physical and mental health. NICE: Workplace policy and management practices to improve the health and wellbeing of employees ng13

11 Being part of the Community
The impact your organisation has on the health and wellbeing of others with whom you connect. Sustainability of resources


13 Any questions?

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