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SCAPE David Open Planets Foundation / University of Southampton iPres2012 Toronto, October 2012 LDS 3 Applying.

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Presentation on theme: "SCAPE David Open Planets Foundation / University of Southampton iPres2012 Toronto, October 2012 LDS 3 Applying."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCAPE David Tarrant @davetaz Open Planets Foundation / University of Southampton iPres2012 Toronto, October 2012 LDS 3 Applying Preservation Principals to Linked Data Systems This work was partially supported by the SCAPE Project. The SCAPE project is co-funded by the European Union under FP7 ICT-2009.4.1 (Grant Agreement number 270137).

2 SCAPE Present Day 2

3 SCAPE Presenting the REF The Results Evaluation Framework 5 Tools (Droid, Fits, file, fido, Tika) 65 Versions (from 2008 to now) 1 Govdocs Corpora 1 Question…. 3

4 SCAPE How accurate are file format identification tools historically? How accurate are file format identification tools historically? 4

5 SCAPE 5 PDF 1.4


7 SCAPE 9 Months Ago 7

8 SCAPE Why is Data Important? Data and Metadata are knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge enables decision. Knowledge enables process. Knowledge empowers action. Knowledge enables us to say because… 8

9 SCAPE Processes 9 Process Decision DATA A Classic Flow Chart Data is key to making decisions

10 SCAPE Policy 10 Process Policy DATA A Preservation Flow Chart Data is key to informing policy

11 SCAPE Policy Data - Generated When? Who? What it affects? What action is taken? Why? 11 Policy

12 SCAPE Why? Because something said so? 12 When? Who? What it affects? What action is taken? Why? DATA

13 SCAPE Case Study Example (Opinion) Due to format obsolescence, all flash video files are to be migrated to H264/AAC. Input data: Study on proliferation of flash and evidence of lacking support from the rights holder, adobe. File B was created from File A a year ago as it was identified as being a flash video file. Today, File A is identified as being an ogg video file. What has changed? Why? Does it affect me? Who generated the wrong information? Did they generate any other wrong information? 13

14 SCAPE I Don’t Know! 14

15 SCAPE 6 Months Ago 15

16 SCAPE A Fact? 16 File#1 application/zip hasIdentification

17 SCAPE Provenance Tarrant, David and Carr, Leslie (2012) LDS3: Applying Digital Preservation Principals to Linked Data Systems. In, Ninth International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPres2012), Toronto, Canada 17 Tim Berners-Lee 5-Star Linked Data Guide Provides

18 SCAPE Data!!! One fact. One document the fact comes from One citation about the documents place of publication. Who, What, When and Where Who they worked for and with. 18

19 SCAPE Named-Graph In Linked Data a document is called a named-graph. But these also get used for two purposes!! 19 File#1 Application/zip hasIdentification

20 SCAPE The two uses of the named-graph No. 1 – Data Publication 20 DATA Named-Graph File#1 Application/zip hasIdentification

21 SCAPE The two uses of the named-graph No. 2 – Data Discovery/Query 21 Named-Graph File#1 application/zip hasIdentification DATA File#1 application/msword hasIdentification

22 SCAPE The two uses of the named-graph No. 2 – Data Discovery/Query 22 Works For Named-Graph File#1 Application/zip hasIdentification Named-Graph File#1 application/zip hasIdentification File#1 application/msword hasIdentification

23 SCAPE Query Graph Source Graph 2 Source Graph 1 Quads 23 File#1 application/zip hasIdentification File#1 application/msword hasIdentification After all, RDF is a graph model RDF the spec, not the RDF/XML serialization

24 SCAPE Query Graph Source Graph 2 Source Graph 1 Quads 24 File#1 application/zip hasIdentification File#1 application/msword hasIdentification usesTool File 5.04 usesTool File 5.07

25 SCAPE File1/Identification/tool/file/version/5.03 File#1 University of Southampton hasIdentification Still with me… Ok so what about versioning? 25 File1/Identification/tool/file/version/5.07 File#1 application/msword hasIdentification

26 SCAPE Latest 26 /File1/Identification/tool/file/ File1/Identification/tool/file/version/5.03 File#1 University of Southampton hasIdentification File1/Identification/tool/file/version/5.07 File#1 application/msword hasIdentification previous version

27 SCAPE 3 Months Ago 27

28 SCAPE www.LDS A technical solution to all the complexity, automatic: Versioning Linking Annotation Named-Graph Management Query Management 28

29 SCAPE Demo 29

30 SCAPE www.LDS CRUD SWORDv2 (Based Upon) Oauth Authentication 30

31 SCAPE In the paper Links between P2-Registry, Pronom and LDS 3 Description of the LDS 3 specification Overview of software in the LDS 3 stack (hardly any of it is new) How LDS 3 relates to Amazon S3 More on named-graphs versioning More on information and non-information resources. 31

32 SCAPE 2 Months Ago 32

33 SCAPE DEMO p:// B708B7A20263 p:// B708B7A20263 33

34 SCAPE 34

35 SCAPE 35 Present Day

36 SCAPE Presenting the REF The Results Evaluation Framework 5 Tools (Droid, Fits, file, fido, Tika) 65 Versions (from 2008 to now) 1 Govdocs Corpora 1 Question…. 36

37 SCAPE How accurate are file format identification tools historically? How accurate are file format identification tools historically? 37

38 SCAPE 38 PDF 1.4


40 SCAPE 40 Back To The Future

41 SCAPE The Future Get me the identification for a file as it would have been on 3 rd October 2010. GET /ref/?query=“SELECT ?identificaiton where file = X” HTTP/1.1 Accept-Datetime: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 12:00:00 GMT Accept: text/plain application/zip 41

42 SCAPE David Tarrant @davetaz Open Planets Foundation / University of Southampton iPres2012 Toronto, October 2012 LDS 3 Applying Preservation Principals to Linked Data Systems This work was partially supported by the SCAPE Project. The SCAPE project is co-funded by the European Union under FP7 ICT-2009.4.1 (Grant Agreement number 270137).

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