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Published byElvin Singleton Modified over 9 years ago
Teaching Digital Logic courses with Altera Technology
Tutorial #1
Learn how to use Quartus:
Outline Learn how to use Quartus: Creating projects in Quartus II Targeting a project for a DE1-SoC Board Downloading a circuit onto a DE1-SoC board Compiling and debugging Overview of tutorials and lab exercises for teaching digital logic using Quartus Provide context; learn how to use quartus, then talk about teaching materials we have that use quartus
Exercise 1: A Simple Quartus Project
Open a Quartus Project Compile a simple circuit 10-bit shift register Register input: switch Shift on key press Register values displayed on LEDs Program FPGA with circuit Examine behavior on the board
Step 1: Start Quartus II Project Navigator Status Window
Message Window
Step 2: Create a New Project
Click File Menu Select New Project Wizard This will open a new window where project information can be specified
Project Name and Directory
Add Source Files to Project
Select the FPGA device on the board
Specify FPGA Device Select the FPGA device on the board Cyclone V Family – 5CSEMA5F31C6
Specify Tools, in addition to Quartus II, that you will use
Additional EDA Tools Specify Tools, in addition to Quartus II, that you will use These are unnecessary for small student designs Leave all entries as <None> Press Next
New Project Summary
Simple Project 10-bit Shift Register … LED[9] LED[2] LED[1] LED[0]
SW[0] KEY[0] KEY[1] Input Reset_N Clock 10-bit Shift Register … LED[9] LED[2] LED[1] LED[0]
Step 3: Open Source File Can open it up by using project navigator. Briefly describe the circuit (SW, key, ledrs connected), some description of the shift register.
Step 4: Assign Pins to connect switches/lights to inputs and outputs of your circuit
Click Assignments, then Import Assignments… Import file DE1_SoC.qsf Imports locations for predefined port names, such as SW, LED, KEY, and others Can be done manually too Open the file (qsf) and show them LEDR -> mapping to PIN
Step 5: Compile Design Placement Timing & Power Synthesis & Routing
Verilog, VHDL Synthesis Placement & Routing Timing & Power Analysis Assembler Report Briefly explain
Step 6: Examine Compilation Report
More on pin assignments – look at the board
Step 7: Program the Board
Blue LEDs will flash
Step 8: See your design work on the board
Press the KEY[0] to clock the circuit SW[0] is the input to the shift register Reset the shift register using KEY[1] Red LEDs 10-bit Shift Register Input Reset_N Clock SW[0] KEY[1] KEY[0] Replicate the picture from before
Please read the instructions at Use provided source code “simple.v”
Hands-On Session Please read the instructions at “/Digital Logic/simple/simple_instructions.pdf” Use provided source code “simple.v” We will be walking around to help with any issues (such as USB programming)
Next Example Open the Digital Logic folder Go into stopper subfolder Open the stopper.qpf Quartus II project
Shift the contents of a register once every ~0.1 second
Exercise 2: Stopper Shift the contents of a register once every ~0.1 second The circuit is clocked using a 50MHz clock Press KEY[0] to start or stop the shift register FSM examines if the key was pressed Purpose: Look at FSM implementation in Quartus II Finite State Machine Viewer
Circuit Diagram KEY[0] FSM Clock Divider 10-bit Shift Register Clock
Fast Slow 10-bit Shift Register enable Clock Clock Picture… 50Mhz counter, counter, SR, FSM. Pressing the key will toggle the FSM state, start/stop the shifting. FSM is used as a puslse generator which gives 1 cycle pulse when key is pressed. ADD toggle flip flop TO THIS PIC (THE REG THAT IS TOGGLED BY FSM) Red LEDs
Step 1: Open Stopper Project
Step 2: Compile and Program
Compile the design Program the design onto the board How does it work? Press KEY[0] to start/stop the circuit Press KEY[1] to reset the circuit
Step 3: Examine the FSM Source Code
Add a state diagram before this slide. Briefly describe FSM (3 states, this part gives state transitions, this part gives etc,).
Step 4: FSM Viewer Open the FSM Viewer Click Tools
Expand Netlist Viewers Click State Machine Viewer
Examine State Machine When FSM written properly in accepted way, quartus will detect it and display it here.
Please read the instructions at Use provided project “stopper.qpf”
Hands-On Session Please read the instructions at “/Digital Logic/stopper/stopper_instructions.pdf” Use provided project “stopper.qpf”
Next Example: Signal Tap II Logic Analyzer
Go into signaltap subfolder Open the signaltap.qpf Quartus II project Compile the project, and program the board Create a virtual logic analyzer in the fabric of the FPGA that can connect to any nodes in the circuit (not just I/O), store the results and display them.
SignalTap II Embedded Logic Analyzer
A logic analyzer IP core Instantiate in your Verilog code Connects to the board on which a design is running Collects data when a trigger event occurs Displays data on your computer
SignalTap II Operation
USB-Blaster cable FPGA SignalTap Module KEY[0] FSM KEY[1] 10-bit Shift Register enable Clock Does this thru USB blaster (need no extra tools! No need for expensive logic analyzer). Clock Red LEDs
Setup SignalTap II Specify cable connection Specify Clock signal
Specify signals to display
For changes to take effect recompile project
Once recompiled, download it to the board Note: The circuit will be larger than before Memory is used to store captured data
Setup Event Trigger Click here to begin capture
UPDATE screenshot (DE-SoC vs SoCKit)! Sample depth! When the event occurs, it will store the data for x cycles (ex 128 shown) and display the data. Some cycles worth of data before the event as well.
Trigger the event and Analyze the results
Use same circuit as previous example (if use previous, LEDS might not shift. Would have to get rid from analyzer).
Please read the instructions at Use provided project “signaltap.qpf”
Hands-On Session Please read the instructions at “/Digital Logic/signaltap/signaltap_instructions.pdf” Use provided project “signaltap.qpf”
Summary of Tutorial #1 Learned how to Use Quartus II CAD Software
Compile projects in Quartus II Target design onto DE1-SoC View results of compilation Use SignalTap II Heres what we learned, let me talk about materials you can use for your students
Tutorials Tutorials Getting Started with Altera’s DE-series Lab Boards
Introduction to Quartus II Tutorials Getting Started with Altera’s DE-series Lab Boards Introduction to Quartus II With Verilog, or VHDL, or Schematic Using library modules (LPMs) With Verilog or VHDL Quartus II Simulation Using ModelSim for Altera Using TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Signal Tap II Logic Analyzer Open up the tutorial, show that it is a complete doc, written like textbook. 37 37 37
Digital Logic Lab Exercises
Verilog and VHDL versions From basic logic gates to simple processors: Switches, Lights, and Multiplexers Numbers and Displays Latches, Flip-flops, and Registers Counters Real-time Clock and Timers Adders, Subtractors, and Multipliers Finite State Machines Memory Blocks A Simple Processor An Enhanced Processor Algorithms in Hardware Digital Signal Processing Sample curriculum Set of lab exercises we developed for the digital logic start assuming no knowledge. Simple circuits connecting lights, multiplexers. Later exercises become more advanced and use the simpler circuits from previous exercises, and build more advanced circuits. Fits very well with the way that you would teach a course like this are advanced, not for beginner courses. 38 38 38
Lab Exercises and Solutions
Exercises and complete solutions on U.P. web site Password protected (Professors/Lecturers) Includes all Quartus II projects Includes all figures and source text (allows Instructors to add their own material) RETAKE pic to include exercise 11,12. Also remove part5.Verilog from document_files. We ALSO provide the latex files for the lab writeups so that you can modify them for your course. Mention that we provide verilog AND VHDL solutions and writeups. 39 39 39
Organization of Lab Exercises
Simple HDL assignments that directly correspond to Boolean equations No magic! Block-based design in which each block of code corresponds to a well-defined subcircuit HDL code is not a “program”!! Smaller circuits are built first, and then used to construct larger ones Good design practice We though carefully about how to present the exercises to ensure they learn properly. Ex. In first few examples, students cant use advanced verilog features. Can only use boolean eequations. Want students to know they are designing circuits. Type of verilog code we show clearly corresponds to a circuit; easy to see that each part of the code corresponds to circuit. Smaller -> larger, good design practice used in industry. 40 40 40
Lab 1: Switches and Lights
/* connect switches to lights through FPGA */ assign light_0 = switch_0; assign light_1 = switch_1; . . . /* build a 2-to-1 multiplexer */ Part 1 Suggested solution Part 2 Go through a few slides to give a feeling for the flow of the learning. Lab 1: this is the beginning point. Part 1 assumes students don’t know anything. Open the solution .v. Move on to part 2 the simplest circuit that you can use to build a circuit. 41 41 41
… Lab 1 assign m = (~s & x) | (s & y); …
Make 8 copies, connect to 8 red LEDs Part 2 Suggested solution Build a more complex multiplexer: 3-bit wide 5-to-1 multiplexer Part 3 Suggested solution Notice that we are not using IF statements. Use boolean equations to make sure students know what they are doing. 42 42 42
… Lab 1 Suggested solution Part 4
7 seg decoder that can display 4 different letters 43 43 43
… Lab 1 Make 5 copies of this Suggested solution Part 5 Part 5
Putting together the circuits from the previous parts, you ave the ability to display character patterns. Using only simple 2-1 muxes and a 7-seg decoder, we can make an interesting circuit that can rotate a word across the display. Emphasize hierarchichal fashion small -> larger Suggested solution 44 44 44
Latches and Flip-flops
Lab 2 and Lab 3 Numbers and Displays Display binary numbers on 7-segment displays Convert binary to Binary Coded Decimal Simple ripple-carry addition Latches and Flip-flops Implement RS latch in an FPGA Implement D latch Master-slave flip-flop as latches D registers as Verilog code Clock or negedge Resetn) Q <= R; As move forward, deal with more complex circuits, display numbers, adders. Start using sequential circuit elements. 45 45
Lab 4: Counters assign Enable_0 = SW[1];
Suggested solution Part 1 assign Enable_0 = SW[1]; ToggleFF (Enable_0, Clock, Clear, Count_0); assign Enable_1 = Count_0 & Enable_0; ToggleFF (Enable_1, Clock, Clear, Count_1); . . . 46 46 46
. . . … Lab 4 /* use some more advanced Verilog */ …
Count <= Count + 1; Part 2 Suggested solution . . . Count Part 5 Reusing the circuit from lab 1 that scrolled HELLO, but instead connect a counter instead of SW to do this. Another example of reusing circuits. Count Suggested solution 47 47 47
To Students: Write “Obvious” HDL Code
Comparator assign T = A + B; (T) if (T > 9) begin Z = 6; C = 1; end else Z = 0; C = 0; assign S = T + Z; Adder Multiplexer that selects constants Even when we allow students to use more advanced features of verilog, still make sure each line clearly corresponds to a piece of the circuit. A nice feature of Quartus is to use the RTL viewer to display that the circuit described is actually what you are expecting. Adder 48 48 48
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