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The need for a longer historical perspective and alternative case studies Mises Academy: The American Prison State Lecture 6 Daniel J. D’Amico.

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Presentation on theme: "The need for a longer historical perspective and alternative case studies Mises Academy: The American Prison State Lecture 6 Daniel J. D’Amico."— Presentation transcript:

1 The need for a longer historical perspective and alternative case studies Mises Academy: The American Prison State Lecture 6 Daniel J. D’Amico

2 Not my mama’s worldview… *The primacy of democratic space and the intervention of corporate interests. *Violence is disciplinary *Markets are disciplinary


4 Alexis de Tocqueville is a BAMF! Effective civil association is a learned art form. The primacy of spontaneous order. Democratic processes, prone to special interests and mob rule are perhaps the greatest threat to social order.

5 A research question: How does power operate within our social space? By “power” I am specifically concerned with the systematic production and distribution of violence.

6 Achilles Shield “In the assembly place were people gathered. There a dispute had arise: two men were disputing about the recompense for a dead man. The one was claiming to have paid it in full, making his statement to the people, but the other was refusing to receive anything; both wished to obtain trial at the hands of a judge. The people were cheering them both on, supporting both sides; and heralds quieted the people. The elders sat on polished stones in a sacred circle, and held in their hands sceptres from the loud voiced heralds; with these they were then hurrying forward and giving their judgments in turn. And in the middle lay two talents of gold, to give to the one who delivered judgment most rightly among them (Iliad 18. 497- 508).”

7 Socrates Trial “Shall I choose instead of [Meletus’ proposal for a penalty] something from those things which I know well are bad, penalizing myself with such a thing? First of all, how about with imprisonment? And why is it necessary for me to live my life in prison, enslaved to every successively appointed magistrate? Maybe I should be imprisoned for a financial penalty until I pay? (Socrates in Plato’s Apology: 37b-c).”

8 Solon’s penal reform *Redefined citizenship *Prohibited private arrest and incarceration *Subsidized a public police force, public court system and public prison. *Prison reflected inequality *Time-based prison sentences replaced restitution. *Crimes against the state took precedent over crimes against the person. *Eventually the state fully-controlled the entire criminal justice system

9 Unintended Consequences: *Larger unequal prison population *Criminal justice system captured by private interests. *Inflation of the money supply *State redistribution of land. *Easier ability for the state to tax, force conscription and regulate society.







16 Non-States:

17 Post-States:

18 Inter-states

19 Anti-States:

20 Super-states

21 Functional states

22 Colonial Origins

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