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Kyle Zimmermann.  What are CSS?  History  The Box Model  CSS Styles  Rules and Selectors  Cascade & Specificity  Inheritance  Video  Demo.

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Presentation on theme: "Kyle Zimmermann.  What are CSS?  History  The Box Model  CSS Styles  Rules and Selectors  Cascade & Specificity  Inheritance  Video  Demo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyle Zimmermann

2  What are CSS?  History  The Box Model  CSS Styles  Rules and Selectors  Cascade & Specificity  Inheritance  Video  Demo

3  CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet(s).  The typical CSS file is a text file, extension.css  Contains a series of commands called rules.

4  1994 – Hakon Wium Lie proposed idea  1996 – W3C recommended use of CSS1  1998 – CSS2  Absolute, relative positioning  2011 – CSS2.1 finally recommended by W3C  Removed poorly supported or not fully functional features  CSS3  Divided into modules

5  Separates structure from presentation  Easy to maintain multiple pages  Fast page loading  Better accessibility for disabled users  Improve search engine ranking  High reusability 


7  Interactive Box Model Interactive Box Model

8  External 

9  Internal

10  Inline

11  Made up of a selector and declarations.

12  Type Selector  h1 { font-family: Arial; size : 12 px; }  Class Selector  Joe  Bill  John .name { color: red; }  ID Selector  Intro text  #intro { color: white; }

13  Determines which rule is applied.  Specificity Hierarchy  1. Inline Styles  2. ID  3. Classes, attributes, pseudo-classes  4. Elements, pseudo-elements

14  Inheritance is the process by which CSS properties applied to one tag are passed on to nested tags.  Text will be Arial </body


16 

17  Writing rules  Positioning

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