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Presentation on theme: "DIRECTIONS FOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT PRESENTATION EDU 4407 Wednesdays 12/2 and 12/9."— Presentation transcript:


2 Right now let’s… Please go into groups (must be between 3-4 people), preferably of same subject matter. If you do not have enough people, it is okay to team up with someone who is not the same subject matter as you. I will go around to give you a group name/number. Please go into groups (must be between 3-4 people), preferably of same subject matter. If you do not have enough people, it is okay to team up with someone who is not the same subject matter as you. I will go around to give you a group name/number. decide right now which 1-2 people will present on 12/2 and which 1-2 people will present on 12/9. We’ll spend 10 minutes before each group reports to me on their members’ presentation dates. decide right now which 1-2 people will present on 12/2 and which 1-2 people will present on 12/9. We’ll spend 10 minutes before each group reports to me on their members’ presentation dates.

3 SUGGESTED WRITTEN FORMAT OF YOUR UNIT Write a “cover letter” that goes in front of your 3 lesson plans. On that cover letter you can address (a) overall description of your unit, and rationale for your level of curriculum integration; (c) description of unit assessment; (d) PACT commentary #1; (e) PACT commentary #2. Write a “cover letter” that goes in front of your 3 lesson plans. On that cover letter you can address (a) overall description of your unit, and rationale for your level of curriculum integration; (c) description of unit assessment; (d) PACT commentary #1; (e) PACT commentary #2. Three lesson plans (b) after your cover letter. The lesson plans do not need to be as extensive as your LP project that was due 10/28. That said, do make sure it fits with what the rubric asks for (see page 9-10 of your syllabus) Three lesson plans (b) after your cover letter. The lesson plans do not need to be as extensive as your LP project that was due 10/28. That said, do make sure it fits with what the rubric asks for (see page 9-10 of your syllabus)

4 As the PRESENTER: You must be in class on the day of your presentation You must be in class on the day of your presentation Most likely you won’t have access to PowerPoint; so please provide copies of your Instructional Unit to each member of your group. Most likely you won’t have access to PowerPoint; so please provide copies of your Instructional Unit to each member of your group. Please give an oral presentation of your unit (no more than 30 minutes). Your presentation should touch on the following topics: Please give an oral presentation of your unit (no more than 30 minutes). Your presentation should touch on the following topics: 1. Descriptive data (subject matter, grade level, overall description of unit) 2. Rational for your chose Level of Curriculum Integration 3. General description of each lesson plan 4. Description of assessments used for this unit 5. Your summary of PACT #1 6. Your summary of PACT #2

5 As the PARTICIPANT SCORER: You must be here on the day you’re not presenting. You must also score for all other members except for yourself. You must be here on the day you’re not presenting. You must also score for all other members except for yourself. Please do spend the time (no more than 15 minutes total) to ask good questions! Please do spend the time (no more than 15 minutes total) to ask good questions! You are scoring for three items. For each item, please provide score and evidence (at least 2 statements of evidence per item, so minimum 6 total). Please note you need to write statements of evidence, and not opinions. You are scoring for three items. For each item, please provide score and evidence (at least 2 statements of evidence per item, so minimum 6 total). Please note you need to write statements of evidence, and not opinions.

6 What is your Instructional Unit grade based on? (please refer to pages 9-12 of your syllabus) Kelly scores:Kelly + Group members score: Each Group Member scores: Item 3a/3c: Rationale/Unit Assessment Item 3b: LP 1 Item 3b: LP 2 Item 3b: LP 3 Item 3g: Participant Scoring Item 3d: PACT #1 Item 3e: PACT #2 Item 3f: Oral Presentation

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