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8 Next Previous 1. After Pip _____________ by his sister, he went to London. (bring up). After Pip had been brought up by his sister, he went to London. 2. After Pip _____________ some food to the prisoner, he was recaptured. (give) ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

9 Next Previous 3. After the man _____________ to Australia, he became wealthy. (go) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Before he died, he _______________ to death. (sentence) -----------------------------------------------------------------

10 Next Previous 5. Pip had to find a job because the government ____ all the man’s money.(take) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Pip did not expect to work because he ____________ a large fortune. (promise) ------------------------------------------------------------------

11 Next Previous 1. The convict said, “I did not have a good education myself”. The convict said (that) he had not had a good education himself.

12 Next Previous 2. He asked, “Have the stories been rewritten in easy English?” ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. She said, “I have not been in the school library recently”. ------------------------------------------------------------------

13 Next Previous 4. He said, “Shakespeare lived in the sixteenth century”. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5. They asked, “Did Shakespeare write novels?” ------------------------------------------------------------------

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