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Bacon County High School Expectations for Students, Parents, & Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacon County High School Expectations for Students, Parents, & Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacon County High School Expectations for Students, Parents, & Faculty

2 Tardies are the most common misconduct referral at BHCS

3 BCHS Tardy Data: 8 years in a row the most commonly referred offense. 2/3 of all tardies at BCHS result from students being late to school. The Remaining 1/3 of tardies result from a combination of tardies to homeroom, block 2, 3, returning from lunch, and block 4.

4 BCHS Tardy Data: 60% of tardies are punished by the teacher 9 th graders represent 40% of all tardies 10 th graders represent 13% 11 th graders represent 22% 12 th graders represent 25%

5 BCHS Tardy Data: 21% of the student body represent 90% of the tardies. 05% of the student body represent have been referred 3 or more times for tardies

6 What does the data tell illustrate? Examining the data tells us that it is the freshmen who are tardy the most often. A small population of students are tardy. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

7 How would you define a Tardy? a)Arriving to class prior to the late bell. b)In any seat prior to the late bell. c)Being in your assigned seat prior to the late bell ringing d)We have a late bell?

8 BCHS Defines a Tardy as: a)Arriving to class prior to the late bell. b)In any seat prior to the late bell. c)Being in your assigned seat prior to the late bell ringing d)We have a late bell?

9 PBIS on Timeliness

10 Ready Know the bell times Be organized so you may pack up quickly Know where to report

11 Respectful Remember not to ask a teacher to leave class the first or last 15 minutes of each block.

12 Responsible Move with a purpose to class Avoid socializing in the halls Chose the quickest route

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