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Core Investigations August 27, 2013. Agenda Why Core Investigations? Resources Spelling, Phonics, and Handwriting Elements to Look For Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Core Investigations August 27, 2013. Agenda Why Core Investigations? Resources Spelling, Phonics, and Handwriting Elements to Look For Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Core Investigations August 27, 2013

2 Agenda Why Core Investigations? Resources Spelling, Phonics, and Handwriting Elements to Look For Support

3 The Challenge: Meeting the Common Core State Standards

4 The State’s Solution Something considered… Some districts’ solution Core KnowledgeExpeditionary Learning-type lessons New basal 9 modules per grade 50+ learning targets for each domain Sample K module- Colonial Towns Sample Grade 1 module-Early World Civilizations Sample Grade 2 module-Ancient Greek Civilizations Taken the best from EL, including Learning targets Connection to CCSS Protocols Student involvement Focus on multiple sources Requirement for text evidence Emphasis on NF Downside Lessons are lengthy Works best in an EL school Does not align Major educational publishing companies are jumping in to produce so-called CCSS-aligned basal series intended to raise test scores. The foundations of the Pearson basal series are as follows: Teach- Assess-Diagnose- Report-Prescribe- “in order to get the results you want.”

5 The Greater Challenge: How to integrate the NYS Curricula for Science and Social Studies while meeting the expectations of the Common Core.

6 Core Investigations for K-4 Social Studies and Science Our Solution:

7 Foundations of our Core Investigations CCSS Next Gen Science Standards NYS Draft Social Studies Framework

8 The Core Investigations reflect the work of these literacy experts: Lucy Calkins, Amanda Hoffman, and the staff of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project Linda Hoyt Tony Stead Jan Richardson Fountas and Pinnell Gretchen Owocki Ruth Culham


10 Elements of great literacy instruction remain constant as practice is refined Balanced Literacy instruction that includes Guided Reading using GR libraries, A-Z books Traits Writing Modeled, shared, and independent reading and writing across the day

11 Core beliefs remain the same, but practice evolves. Research Reflect Refine

12 Finding Resources

13 Position on Spelling, Phonics, and Handwriting Spelling, phonics & handwriting must be taught within the context of authentic, meaningful reading and writing experiences. Spelling improvement is directly related to time spent reading and writing. Personal dictionaries, word walls, and word study during Guided Reading are beneficial. Children enter kindergarten with a wide range of phonemic awareness. We serve children of all abilities through differentiated Guided Reading lessons. Consistent use of verbal pathways in classrooms and with specialists promotes internalized motor movements for better handwriting.

14 Elements to Look For You should see… Core questions, learning targets, and anchor charts displayed Teacher modeling and mini lessons Daily interactive read alouds Turn and talks and turn and jots WRITING, WRITING, WRITING Daily Guided Reading Groups Research Stations in action Reading for information as well as reading for pleasure You should NOT see… Assigned workbook pages, text book pages, or worksheet packets Teacher lecturing for long periods of time Random read alouds The same or no children talking and answering questions Sporadic, narrative only writing for special occasions or display Whole class round robin reading Students working alone, doing mindless seatwork Social studies and science textbooks being read from cover to cover

15 Supporting Core Investigations Asking questions on a regular basis Bringing concerns to literacy coaches as soon as they arise Talking at faculty meetings Materials Distribution of technology


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