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“Romeo and Juliet” Character Review. Which character would this represent?

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Presentation on theme: "“Romeo and Juliet” Character Review. Which character would this represent?"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Romeo and Juliet” Character Review

2 Which character would this represent?

3 Romeo Montague Son of Lord and Lady Montague Wears a mask to attend Capulet’s party in hopes of seeing Rosaline Secretly marries Juliet Is banished from Verona for killing Tybalt Commits suicide by drinking poison (once he believes Juliet is dead)  https://www. watch?v=MH9 ZK7vSBYY (2:42) https://www. watch?v=MH9 ZK7vSBYY

4 Which character would this represent?

5 Lord Montague Father of Romeo Uncle to Benvolio Husband of Lady Montague Has an ancient grudge with the Capulets Grieves for his son’s banishment, his wife’s death, and then his son’s death

6 Which character would this represent?

7 Lady Montague wife of Lord Montague mother of Romeo Montague dies of grief over Romeo’s banishment

8 Which character would this represent?

9 Tybalt cousin to Juliet nephew of Lord and Lady Capulet kills Mercutio is killed by Romeo in retaliation “hot-headed” Prince of Cats

10 Which character would this represent?

11 Rosaline  niece of Lord and Lady Capulet  has broken Romeo’s heart by not paying attention to him/will not date him  is the sole reason Romeo attends Capulet’s party where he ironically meets Juliet

12 Which character would this represent?

13 Friar Laurence  m/watch?v=km- nbIRZJYk (1:33) m/watch?v=km- nbIRZJYk  This clip shows Friar Laurence getting on to Romeo for not being thankful for his situation. Franciscan priest monk secretly marries Romeo and Juliet hoping for alliance between the families helps Juliet fake her death tries to make everything right

14 Which character would this represent?

15 Lord Capulet father of Juliet husband of Lady Capulet uncle of Tybalt at first is protective of his young daughter threatens to disown Juliet if she doesn’t marry Paris

16 Which character would this represent? “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

17 Juliet Capulet Daughter of Lord and Lady Capulet Cousin to Tybalt and to Rosaline Secretly marries Romeo Fakes her death with a sleeping potion (Romeo is banished and she doesn’t want to marry Paris) Commits suicide by stabbing herself

18 Which character would this represent?

19 Mercutio  https://www.youtub GkLcn3yY (2:36) https://www.youtub GkLcn3yY  “A Plague on Both Your Houses” Friend to Romeo Kin to Prince Escalus Is killed by Tybalt (who was searching from Romeo) A prankster Does not believe in love or dreams

20 Which character would this represent?

21 County Paris A nobleman Kin to Prince Escalus Wants to marry Juliet Is favored by the Capulets because of his wealth (he can provide for Juliet) Paris asking permission to marry Juliet

22 Which character would this represent?

23 Nurse Servant in the Capulet household Raised Juliet and is more of a mother to her Is the messenger between Romeo and Juliet Advises Juliet to marry Paris after Romeo is banished Loses Juliet’s trust a comical character

24 Which character would this represent?

25 Prince Escalus Ruler of Verona Fed up with the feud between the Capulets and Montagues Threatens death to those continuing to fight Banishes Romeo for killing Tybalt Kin to Mercutio Kin to Paris

26 Which character would this represent?

27 Lady Capulet wife of Lord Capulet birth mother to Juliet encourages Juliet to accept Paris’s proposal plans to have Romeo killed for Tybalt’s death disowns Juliet when Juliet refuses to marry Paris

28 Which character would this represent?

29 Benvolio cousin to Romeo Montague nephew of Lord and Lady Montague insists on keeping the peace one of Romeo’s best friends

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