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1 Colin Fenwick Senior Agricultural Manager FARMS FOR SCHOOLS NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Colin Fenwick Senior Agricultural Manager FARMS FOR SCHOOLS NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Colin Fenwick Senior Agricultural Manager FARMS FOR SCHOOLS NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007

2 2 AGENDA Lloyds TSB Agriculture Today Plans and Priorities The Farm and Rural Marketplace How to contact us

3 3 Lloyds TSB Agriculture Today Has 134 dedicated staff serving the agricultural and rural sector. Is local to you in 42 separate offices across England, Wales and Scotland. Looks after in excess of 17,000 farming businesses. New customers are joining us at the rate of 12 per week.

4 4 PLANS AND PRIORITIES To look after our existing customers and continue to attract new customers. To provide timely and relevant information for the farm & rural marketplace.

5 5 How Can LloydsTSB Agriculture Help? Your Guide to: - * Farm and Rural Grants * Rural Property Development * Diversification * Structures and Tax Planning * Managing Change in your Farm Business

6 6 MANAGING CHANGE IN YOUR FARM BUSINESS Setting / achieving objectives Improving performance Expanding Downsizing Adding value to farm business produce Withdrawing from farming Starting a new farming business

7 7 How Can LloydsTSB Agriculture Help? Financial Landscape Your Signpost Guide to: - * Bio –Energy * Risk Management * Local Foods * Cereals – a changing market

8 8 THE FARM AND RURAL MARKETPLACE Provides: - * Learning & Development * Opportunity * Optimism * Job satisfaction * Make a real difference!

9 9 HOW TO CONTACT US Up dated in Financial Landscape

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