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Friday, December 4 th, 2015 Sit with your candy cane partner!

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, December 4 th, 2015 Sit with your candy cane partner!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, December 4 th, 2015 Sit with your candy cane partner!

2 1. Review nouns – 5 minutes 2. Central idea in Turner & Raban – 20 minutes 3. AP English MC practice – 20 minutes 4. Turn in work and review homework due on Mon. – 5 mintues Today’s Agenda

3 Review: Noun: person, place, or thing Concrete noun Concrete, Steilacoom HS, apple Abstract noun Stability, education, health Discuss: In which ways do we use concrete nouns to discuss abstract ideas? In which ways do authors use concrete nouns to discuss abstract ideas? What is the connection between abstract noun and thesis? Abstract Nouns Think about and discuss these ideas in your table groups for about 5 minutes!

4 Create this chart in your journal. Work together with your table group to fill in the boxes. Have conversations and refer to the text as you go. Central Idea in Turner & Raban Title and AuthorAbstract Nouns (2-4) This is one or two words – an idea – not a statement about that idea! Concrete Nouns used to discuss Abstract Nouns (1-3 per abstract noun) Author’s statement about that Abstract Noun Turner “The Significance of the frontier in American History” ________ and _______ Raban “The Next Last Frontier” ________ and _______ You all need this chart in your journal. Work on this for about 20 minutes!

5 Do this assignment with your candy cane partner. You need one piece of notebook paper with both your names on it. Create one or more AP English quality multiple choice question + 5 corresponding answers for Turner and/or Raban. Identify the correct answer. Resources: “AP English Language and Composition: Multiple Choice Questions” packet – you have this, and there are extras at the front of the room. Also, there is a sample MC practice at the front of the room too. You can also use one of my test prep books as an example if needed! Turn in your paper (with your assignment and both names on it) to your period’s spot in the purple box at the front of the room! AP English MC Practice Work on this for about 20 minutes!

6 Turn in your MC practice paper (with your assignment and both names on it) to your period’s spot in the purple box at the front of the room! Take out your planner and record your homework. Annotations due on Monday 12/7/15: Limerick “The Headline Frontier” Stegner “Coda: Wilderness Letter” Turn in work and plan for HW Have a lovely weekend! –Ms. B.

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