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II. African Cultures Amla)1 of 6 Email Me Hashim Amla Pictures «Back Amla)1 of 6 Email Me Hashim Amla Pictures «Back.

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Presentation on theme: "II. African Cultures Amla)1 of 6 Email Me Hashim Amla Pictures «Back Amla)1 of 6 Email Me Hashim Amla Pictures «Back."— Presentation transcript:

1 II. African Cultures Amla)1 of 6 Email Me Hashim Amla Pictures «Back Amla)1 of 6 Email Me Hashim Amla Pictures «Back

2 A. First Humans Paleontologists – Scientists who study fossils Believe that the first humans developed in Africa around 3.6 million years ago – modern country of Tanzania

3 Mary Leakey with clay models of early footprints

4 B. African People Many different ethnic groups exist in Africa with their own unique history Africans had many different types of traditions before European intrusion Africa was central to trade of gold, ivory, salt, and slaves

5 Modern South African Women

6 C. Slave Trade Slavery existed in Africa long before Europeans arrived Villages fought each other and the captured people became slaves 1400s – Europeans began to trade for captured slaves

7 D. Impact on Africa Many Africans were killed during slave raids Middle Passage – Passage where slaves were sent to the New World 1/3 rd of all slaves died during the Middle Passage Most slaves were young men African towns suffered because most of the young men were gone


9 Diagram of a Slave Ship

10 E. Missionaries Missionaries – Person who goes to another country to spread religion Most missionaries spread Christianity Believed that Africans were savages with no religion – not true!

11 F. European Colonization 19 th Century – European countries sought control of Africa 1884 – U.S.A. and European countries met in Berlin to divide Africa between them No African countries were allowed to attend 1912 – Only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent countries


13 G. Results of Colonial Rule Europeans believed it was their burden to help Africans Looked down on Africa’s rich cultures Worsened many ethnic conflicts

14 H. Rwanda Ethnocracy – Government where one ethnic group controls another Ethnic Cleansing – Trying to kill a certain group of people Genocide – Attempting to kill an entire group of people


16 Hutu – 90% of population Tutsi – 10% of population The Belgians had made the Tutsi the ruling class in Rwanda 1994 – Hutu controlled government killed over 1 million Tutsis Another 2 million Tutsis were forced to leave the country Rest of the world did nothing to stop the violence

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