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Strict rules separating military service and political leadership

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1 Strict rules separating military service and political leadership
Which of the following political practices remained continuous from the period of the Republic into the period of the Roman Empire? Strict rules separating military service and political leadership Dominant involvement of the plebian classes in state affairs Imperial military assistance for slave uprisings Recruitment of local elites in recently conquered areas to represent the interests of the imperial center D: this practice never changed, A was discontinued and B and C never happened in any way that survives in the historical records

2 Today: 9/23 & 9/24 Practice Question Reading Quiz Lecture Hand out discussion question for next class Objective: You will understand the extent of how Greece and Roman political traditions relates to the rest of the known world (Theme 3 & 4)

3 Classical Civilizations: The Mediterranean
Chapter 4 Classical Civilizations: The Mediterranean

4 What to do about Persia???

5 Persians What do you already know about Persia??? Religion: Social:
Zoroastrianism: Good vs. Evil Monotheistic Social: Women worked in manufacturing Slaves Political: Founded by Cyrus the Great and continued by Darius I complex civilization Economic: Coined Money Traded from Greece all the way to India


7 Sassanid Empire Rises to take the place for the fallen Persian Empire
You will see the Sassanid Empire referenced later on

8 Greece Began around 800 BCE

9 Greece City-States (polis): offered safety and wealth
Politics No political unification Most used aristocratic assemblies Guidelines for state policy Some had aristocratic leaders  Pericles Athens: Direct Democracy What is the difference between a Direct Democracy and an Indirect Democracy???

10 Famous Philosophers Socrates: one of the founders of Western Philosophy, virtue, justice, and piety. Question Plato: student of Socrates, Teacher of Alexander the Great, founded the first higher learning institution in the western world. Understand true, good and beauty. The Republic Aristotle: student of Plato, wrote about many subjects such as politics, logic, music, biology, ethics etc.

11 Alexander Defeated the Persians and gain control of much of the known world Wanted to spread Greek culture throughout: Hellenism After his death, the empire was unable to hold together and was split between three strong military generals

12 Expansion of the Roman Republic

13 Roman Republic Indirect Democracy
Consuls Senate (patricians) Tribunes (plebeians) Twelve Tables: created a standardized system of laws and established rights for defendants When defeating others in battle: assimilated conquered people Meant that many forms of political institutions

14 Roman empire Augustus: First Emperor
NOT a dynasty: succession often depended upon military strength Kept the Senate but it was basically useless. Roman law- Rules became more objective Laws as a regulator of social life

15 The Fall of Rome 476 CE Rome will grow weak
secession of weak leaders Army lacked a feeling of patriotism Too far away Mercenaries The empire will split into east and west Eastern Rome became the Byzantine Empire and was able to survive the fall Western Rome would be overrun by invading nomadic tribes and will not survive This will signify the end of the classical Mediterranean society.


17 Politics of Greece and Rome
This is the beginning of much of the Political thought from here on out In G & R having the good life meant being involved in politics Citizens felt the state was theirs How is this different from what we have seen so far in China and India??? One of the keys is how it is held together R & G Laws and patriotism held the empire together along with taxation and good administration India  Religion China  Confucianism

18 Economics of Greece and Rome
Merchants and trading were considered to be important Slaves were agricultural and often treated badly. They usually were made up of conquered people Estate Agriculture

19 Religion in Greece and Rome
Both were polytheistic Gods used to explain nature and human action Rome borrowed from the Greeks Christianity is going to develop during the Roman Empire Christians would not put the emperor before God Didn’t create a Formal/Significant World Religion

20 Women Both: Patriarchal Societies
Sparta: women had more power than other places Greece: Marriages were often arranged Greece: during the Hellenistic period Women’s position improved somewhat Rome: Women were not allowed to be citizens but were better off than in Greece or China Rome: Upper class women were given power within the household

21 5th C B.C.E. - Greek Golden Age - philosophers.
Shang Dynasty 1766 BCE BCE Zhou Dynasty 1122 BCE -256 BCE 5th C B.C.E. - Greek Golden Age - philosophers. 323 B.C.E. - Alexander the Great Qin Dynasty 221 BCE BCE Han Dynasty 206 BCE - 220 32 C.E. - Beginnings of Christianity 180 C.E. - end of Pax Romana  Interim period 333 - Roman capital moved to Constantinople 4th C - Beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade Routes 476 - Fall of Rome 527 - Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire

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