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Give an example for each of the following terms: Respect Community Pride Honesty Work ethic.

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Presentation on theme: "Give an example for each of the following terms: Respect Community Pride Honesty Work ethic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Give an example for each of the following terms: Respect Community Pride Honesty Work ethic

2 Inspiration

3 What does it mean to be inspired? It means that you are encouraged to pursue something.

4 What is something you would like to be able to do better? Who is someone who does this very well? What steps can you take to accomplish this thing that you want to do better?

5 Inspiration for Mr. Riley Goal: to not get mad or hold grudges against people. Inspiration: Buck O’Neill Words/quotations/visuals that demonstrate how this person has accomplished the goal I want to accomplish: Buck O'Neill Hall of Fame Speech

6 Assignment Create a PowerPoint slide that is similar to the one that Mr. Riley did. You are to substitute your information for his. Include in yours: Goal Person who inspires you Background picture of the person Picture or video that shows this inspiration.


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