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The Search for Equality Chicano/Latino/Mexican & Asian American Movements.

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2 The Search for Equality Chicano/Latino/Mexican & Asian American Movements

3 Inspired By The Civil Rights Movement “We are going to overthrow some of our institutions but in a way Americans have always done it: through the ballot, through public consensus. That’s a revolution.” –Ruben Salazar, a journalist prediction for the Chicano Movement in LA

4 The Latino Population LatinosLatinos : People whose family origins are in Spanish speaking Latin America,come from many places They share the same language & some elements of culture despite their different place of origin they are still seen as outsiders. Denied equal opportunity in many aspects of life; employment, education, and housing

5 Organizing The number of people living in the US of Spanish origin has grown over time –From 1970 to1980 the numbers increased from 9 million to 14.6 million –Mexican Americans have always been the most numerous –By 196 they began to organize against discrimination in education, jobs, and the legal system

6 Cultural Identity I am Joaquin, lost in a world of confusion, caught up in the whirl of a gringo society,I am Joaquin, lost in a world of confusion, caught up in the whirl of a gringo society, confused by the rules, scorned by attitudes, suppressed by manipulation, and destroyed by modern society. My fathers have lost the economic battle and won the struggle of cultural survival. Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales felt the system was built to under mind the Mexican American people

7 Cesar Chavez Organized the struggle to unite Latino farm workers & became a hero to millions United Farm Workers founded by Cesar Chavez Migrant farm workers:Came from a family of Migrant farm workers: moving from farm to farm to provide labor needed to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops He thought unions were the best solution to the exploitation Faced by the migrant farm worker.

8 United Farm Workers UFWUFW: Union organized by Cesar Chavez to organize Mexican field hands in the West –1,700 members by 1965 –Non-violent action –Organized nationwide consumer boycott of grapes and eventually other products whose growers refused to grant more pay & better working conditions.

9 Latino Protest Protest met with success; in 1975 California passed a law in the UFW’s favor Political Actions –Several Latino’s elected to Congress Henry B. Gonzalez & Elizo “kika” de la Garza –One was elected to the state senate Joseph Montoya La Raza Unida 1970 Federal Alliance of Land Grants Mexican American Legal Defense Fund

10 Asian Americans Fight Discrimination Asian Americans have always faced racial discrimination since their arrival in the US After WWII changes were in the works Compensation for wartime internment was the goal Japanese American Citizens League:Japanese American Citizens League: Organization of Japanese Americans working to promote rights of Asian Americans Japanese American Claim Act 1948 awarded small amounts of $ for property lost.

11 Economics & Politics Although Asian Americans were well educated they still earned less than white Americans –$13 less than a white man –Not allowed management positions –AA’s became active in the movement in order force the federal govt. to take action The incorporation of Hawaii as a state was seen to some as a step forward for Asian Americans Elected officials –To senate –To congress –& various positions in local and state govt.’s

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