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Emergency Food and Agricultural Support to Flood Affected Farmers DER Group Meeting 3 August 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Food and Agricultural Support to Flood Affected Farmers DER Group Meeting 3 August 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Food and Agricultural Support to Flood Affected Farmers DER Group Meeting 3 August 2004

2 Estimated Loss FoodNot Available Agriculture: Crop (up to 25 July) US$ 382.0 million Livestock (up to 31July) US$ 23.0 million Fisheries (up to 31 July) US$ 49.5 million TotalUS$ 454.5 million

3 Human Implications 20 out of 30 million people affected needs immediate food support Up to 10 million people in need of emergency food assistance for a period of three months Roughly 5 million will need food support for six months or longer Up to 25% of the affected farm families for each of the crop, livestock, and fisheries sector need emergency agricultural support.

4 Critical Issues At least 3-6 months’ food relief required for the affected households Poor families will not be able to recover their food income support within the next six months Loss of daily labour opportunities resulting in limited or no purchasing power Full scale involvement of the affected farm families in respective farm activities is unlikely to sustain the household food security GoB’s limited capacity to support immediate crop production in view of reduced transplanting time for T.Aman

5 Response to date GoB Gratuitous Relief 4,41,4000 families (up to 3 August) 44,140 MT International Humanitarian Agencies IFRC/BDRCS60,000 families 1,200 MT CONCERN81,500 families 1,630 MT National & Local NGOs Donors and UN through GoB and NGO channels Local Community

6 Critical Needs and Priorities Food i) Immediate food supply for affected infants and women ii) Consistent food assistance package per family per day. Recommended emergency food package: rice 1 kg, pulses 0.25 kg, oil 0.15 kg, salt 0.02 kg

7 Critical Needs and Priorities Agriculture Crops - Immediate supply of agricultural inputs i) Seeds : a) T. Aman b) Vegetables c) Boro rice d) Wheat e) Hybrid Maize f) Pulses & f) other winter crops ii) Fertilizers :Urea, TSP, ADP and MP Livestock -Vaccines and medicines -Feeds and fodder -Day old chicks Fisheries - Fish fingerlings - Pond management inputs

8 Strategies Immediate provision of food for affected infants, women bearing children and others who need food most in affected districts. Consistency of food assistance package General distribution per family per day: rice 1 kg, pulses 0.25 kg,oil 0.15 kg, salt 0.02 kg, Supplementary food for special groups: fortified biscuits, blended food 20-25% of the affected farm families for each sector could be considered for assistance Supply of seedlings and immediate agricultural input

9 OUTCOME Food security ensured in the immediate run Nutritional sustenance of the affected poor families at the onset of emergency and in the next 24 weeks Farm activities will be recovered with adequate immediate support on agricultural inputs within the next 24 weeks, which consequently will support the food security at household level

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