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 starter activity What did the Nazis do to persecute the Jewish community?  Can you make at least 3 links between the images?

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity What did the Nazis do to persecute the Jewish community?  Can you make at least 3 links between the images?"— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity What did the Nazis do to persecute the Jewish community?  Can you make at least 3 links between the images?

2 Why was Kristallnacht allowed to happen?
 Key words: Third Reich, pogrom Why was Kristallnacht allowed to happen?  LOs To identify & evaluate the reasons why the ‘The Night of Broken Glass’ took place

3 Make a list with your partner of anti-Semitic measures against Jews up to 1938.
 Apart from Jews which other groups in German society were attacked?

4 Anti-Semitism 1933, Jewish people sacked from key professions, e.g. judges & teachers Boycott of Jewish shops 1935, Nuremberg Laws banning inter-racial marriages 1938, Jews forced to use Israel & Sara as part of their names Jews banned from schools Children banned from playing together

5  Your task Read p.68 and note down as many reasons why Kristallnacht took place. How did cartoons like this from the Nazi newspaper, ‘Der Stŭrmer’ help to feed popular anti-Semitism?

6 Reasons why Kristallnacht occurred
Growing antipathy towards Jews in government laws and measures Suspicions of Jews by ordinary Germans Murder of German ambassador, Herr von Rath Police authorities encouraged or failed to stop rioting Support from senior Nazis – Goebbels wanted to win Hitler’s approval

7  Your task Study the sources on p and complete the chart your teacher provides.  Why do some historians prefer to describe this event as the November pogroms?. Kristallnacht, 1938

8 This house believes that Kristallnacht occurred as a result of a well-organised campaign by the leaders of the Third Reich

9  Plenary Evidence of anti-Semitism before 1938
Reasons for Kristallnacht Who was responsible? Why did the rest of the world stand by?

10  Extension Herschel Grynzspan’s murder of German diplomat Ernst von Rath was the catalyst that sparked Kristallnacht. Find out what motivated Rath’s killer.

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