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Report out from Training Advisory Group NUTRITION BOOT CAMP.

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1 Report out from Training Advisory Group NUTRITION BOOT CAMP

2  Follow up from Conflict Resolution trainings  Recommendation to facilitate Barnga with staff  Revised Basic Nutrition Guidebook  New approach to pre/post  Need for systematic review of entire New Employee Training Program  Nutrition Boot Camp FY 16 TAG ACTIVITIES


4  Request made….3 years ago?  “Need to focus on Nutrition Education. Staff need to know what to say.”  Update to the Nutrition Care Guidelines  Draft form made avail  Minor tweaks made – will be used in Boot Camp  Plan was to develop Boot Camp to focus on those changes NUTRITION BOOT CAMP A BRIEF HISTORY


6  Survey of needs/wants  Synopsis:  Train to function like a diet tech, as soon as possible  Critical Thinking  Recognizing the need  Prioritization  Providing the appropriate referral or resource  Following ABCDE and guidelines  Goal = Providing Education  How to get there = Critical Thinking WHEN THE PROJECT BEGAN


8  Research, Review and Work with Adult Learning Expert  Outline and Approach  Presented to TAG group  Gathered input from smaller committee SO WHAT HAS BEEN DONE



11  Did you laugh?  If no, then there might be something wrong with your funny bone.  Let’s train your neighbor on how to remove it. HOW TO ASSESS THE FUNNY BONE

12  Didactic Instruction/Theory:  The funny bone is a source of good laughs, but for people with no sense of humor, it must be removed as it may be infected.  A life without humor is no life indeed. -Locate the funny bone between the shoulder blade and elbow. With a sharp utensil -CUT IT OUT! FUNNYBONEDECTOMY

13  Role Play – Application:  Locate the funny bone on diagrams.  Discuss the importance of the funny bone.  Take turns practicing locating the funny bone and removing the funny bone  Pretend using the scalpel and forceps  Hands-On - Application:  Take a real patient and remove the funny bone. FUNNYBONEDECTOMY


15  What does simulation offer?  Safe practice  Immediate feedback  Helps form “good connections” or break habits  Important to break habit at beginning SIMULATION

16  Two Parts  Foundational Knowledge – Content Focus  Skill Application – Simulation Focus NUTRITION BOOT CAMP – PLAN AND APPROACH

17  Simulation based learning  Not your average role-play  Using “controlled” patients/clients  Used in health care training  Robots  Actors  In WIC  Actor case studies  Counselor and observer  Using Rubric  Provide Feedback NUTRITION BOOT CAMP PART 2 - SIMULATION


19  Comprehension  Shoe salesman:  Can tell you what shoes are made of, well-constructed  Can categorize shoes based on type  Nutrition:  Can tell you food groups, foods high in certain nutrients  Can categorize foods based on nutrient types  Application and Analysis:  Shoe salesman:  Will take in to account your age, likes, dislikes, budget, fashion, preferred activities, anatomy  Nutrition:  Will take in to account, age, health, situation, likes, dislikes, budget, preferred needs, living situation THE LEVELS OF COMPETENCY

20  Part 1 – 3 Days Foundational, Comprehension and Analysis  Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition  WIC Scope  Holistic Approach* (Behavior, Socio-economic, etc)  Assessment concepts and skills  Identification of WIC Codes and ABCDE Guide  Use of OARS and Tools (Motivation, Challenges and Concerns)  Probing and Full Assessment  Nutrition Education concepts and skills  Offering in spirit of PCS  Prioritization based on needs, concerns  Request for large focus  Knowing where to find answers  Including referrals PLAN AND APPROACH

21  2 Days  Pairs work with Actors, take turns  Will be in a simulated clinic environment  Aka – fake clinic  10 counseling areas  Total of 20  *Requires small groups in Boot Camp  *Request to go from Part 1 and Part 2 in same week  Can be flexible PART 2 – APPLICATION

22  Overall Theme and Approach  2 Parts for a total of 5 days  Lecture + Simulation  Humans of WIC  Prerequisites  Phase 1 completed  4 – 5 months post hire* DO YOU CONCUR?

23  Travel  Simulation clinic is not movable  Fair amount of coordination and set up needed  10 trainers/10 actors needed  Part One IS flexible  3 days  Frequency  Existing vs new staff  500 existing  75 new hires per year, roughly  Max in Part 2 = 20 attendees  Staff to administer  Contract?  Fewer frequency?  Local staff?  ? CONSIDERATIONS FROM TAG

24  In order to offer the simulation we could:  Contract?  Pros/Cons  Fewer frequency?  Pros/Cons  Local staff?  Pros/Cons  Other options? SOLUTIONS?


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